“In the trail of justice amid the league of injustice, the nostalgia of truth will adjudge the victory of law”
“If I am feeling condemned and if I fear that God will no longer hear my prayers or care for me, then I have simply forgotten that I am dead to the law. I ve forgotten that it can t harm me.”
“One day humanity will play with law just as children play with disused objects, not in order to restore them to their canonical use but to free them from it for good. What is found after the law is not a more proper and original use value that precedes the law, but a new use that is born only after it. And use, which has been contaminated by law, must also be freed from its own value. This liberation is the task of study, or of play. And this studious play is the passage that allows us to arrive at that justice that one of Benjamin s posthumous fragments defines as a state of the world in which the world appears as a good that absolutely cannot be appropriated or made juridical.”
“For handling the violence within me, there is a special department inside me called the power of mind, whereas for handling the violence within others, there is a special department outside me called the power of law”
“I prefer law to war under all circumstances”
“People that should be in jail are running the country.”
“One thought ever at the fore-- That in the Divine Ship, the World, breasting Time and Space, All Peoples of the globe together sail, sail the same voyage, are bound to the same destination. I see Freedom, completely arm d and victorious and very haughty, with Law on one side and Peace on the other, A stupendous trio all issuing forth against the idea of caste; What historic denouements are these we so rapidly approach?”
“She was learning to treat laws as most people treat poems, making them mean whatever she wanted them to without reference to the author’s intention or achievement.”
“Custas e honorários - Maneira pela qual profissionais da Justiça participam financeiramente do Produto da Injustiça”
“Where the state has undertaken to impose a prior authorisation procedure upon a particular activity, a failure so to act which resulted in pollution violating international law would occasion the responsibility of the state.”
“We are not lacking in ovservation by which the relation of language to its variable usage can be determined rather precisely. Insight into this relation and the art of applying it belongs to the spirit of the law and the secrete of governing. It is just this relation which makes classical writers. The trouble caused by confounding languages and the blind fatih in certain signs and formulas are at times coup d état which have them in the kingdong of truth than the most powerful, freshly exhumed word-radical or the unending geealogy of a concept; coup d état which would never enter the head of a scholarly blatherer and an eloquent journeyman, not even in his most propitious dreams.”
“When in the presence of a USA law enforcement, remember that sudden moves, running away, driving away, moving towards them, not following instructions, having a gun, and pulling up your pants may get you legally killed.”
“Revolution suspends habit as well as law. But just as nature abhors a vacuum, people abhor anarchy.”
“Love is the fulfilment of the law.”
“I hope that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) have communicated to Hawaii law enforcement the wide range of health and safety issues that will arise by stationing sea level adapted law enforcement officers at the 13,796 feet high biologically toxic summit of Mauna Kea.”
“I do not own a gun in the USA because I recognize that it may get you legally killed by law enforcement.”
“The State of Hawaii are facilitating the construction of the biologically toxic 1.4 billion dollar Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) atop the sacred Mauna Kea mountain while conveniently ignoring the unsafe workplace for the very high altitude TMT workers, which is illegal under USA law.”