“Tomorrow is full of the possibilities of the seeds you plant today.”
“The act is learnt in the action.”
“Run to the beach, dive in the water. Do it now, without a second thought.”
“You can t think away your fears and doubts, but you can dissolve them through action.”
“Feelings of impotence, hopelessness, despair arise from thinking without acting.”
“One thing is needful faith expressed in love.”
“Act from a place of love, not from your fears.”
“Wishing is nice but doing is better. Take action.”
“Spare your words, your actions will speak for you.”
“Clarity comes from action, not thought.”
“Not to punish evil is equivalent to authorizing it.”
“Preach! Write! Act! Do any thing, save to lie down and die!”
“A samurai was essentially a man of action.”
“All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”
“Principle comes first; action thereafter.”
“Quit making believe you don’t know. You do know. Act on it.”
“Inaction is the biggest failure”