“Virtue is a kinder slave master than vice.”
“You know someone is truly special when the most beautiful thing they have on is a kind soul.”
“Trees we plant today are forests we enjoy tomorrow.”
“It is impossible for light not to get noticed, especially in the dark.”
“Your worth is not what you have, but who you are.”
“Anger has great strength, but no brains. Greed has many hands, but no heart. Fear has many titles, but no honor. Hatred has many forms, but no soul. Desire has great strength, but no brains. Agony has many hands, but no heart. Shame has many titles, but no honor. Ego has many forms, but no soul. Envy has great strength, but no brains. Malice has many hands, but no heart. Lust has many titles, but no honor. Evil has many forms, but no soul.”
“A bird with beautiful feathers is the target of many hunters.”
“When I see memories, I see the past. When I see thoughts, I see the present. When I see intentions, I see the future. When I see regret, I see the past. When I see hope, I see the present. When I see expectation, I see the future. When I see habits, I see the past. When I see actions, I see the present. When I see character, I see the future. When I see karma, I see the past. When I see chance, I see the present. When I see destiny, I see the future. When I see knowledge, I see the past. When I see understanding, I see the present. When I see wisdom, I see the future. When I see elders, I see the past. When I see adults, I see the present. When I see children, I see the future.”
“If you know who you are, no one can convince you to be who you are not.”
“The world owes you nothing because the universe has already given you everything.”
“When you meet young people, inspire them. When you meet old people, honor them. When you meet wise people, study them. When you meet foolish people, avoid them. When you meet humble people, treasure them. When you meet arrogant people, ignore them. When you meet gracious people, emulate them. When you meet crude people, disregard them. When you meet brave people, support them. When you meet cowardly people, encourage them. When you meet strong people, follow them. When you meet weak people, toughen them. When you meet kind people, esteem them. When you meet cruel people, oppose them. When you meet virtuous people, reward them. When you meet evil people, evade them.”
“The prettiest flowers earn their honor in the ugliest dirt.”
“Love on its worst day conquers hate on its best day.”
“If stars needed the sky s permission to shine, the universe would be a very dark place.”
“You are no richer than what you carry in your mind, no stronger than what you hold in your heart, and no purer than what you harbor in your soul.”
“For me to heal, I need you to heal. For me to trust, I need you to trust. For me to be strong, I need you to be strong. For me to gain, I need you to gain. For me to win, I need you to win. For me to rise, I need you to rise.”
“The universe is all around you, but its greater dimensions are within you.”