“This is a quote.”
“Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery. None but ourselves can free our minds”
“I feel a bit like the Willy Wonka of Neon, if you could eat neon, chocolate would be the next best thing”
“To ask why we fall in love is to ask why the leaves fall. And to ask how we stay in love is to ask how the trees stay.”
“Rindu adalah perkara ruh, bukan perkara jasad. Merindukanmu barangkali omong kosong yang masuk akal. Sedangkan, perpisahan hanyalah perkara mata dan ingatan, sama sekali tak berlaku pada hati dan jiwa.”
“Kentutlah semerdu mungkin di hadapannya. Jika dia tertawa lebar, maka dia benar sahabatmu. Sahabatmu adalah dia yang menerimamu apa adanya.”
“when you want to go up that mountain and everyone else around you is telling you that is too hard, and you’ll never going to make it, please listen to that small voice inside your heart and one day you will reach the mountain top”
“As you start and end your day, say THANK YOU for every little things in your life. And you will come to realize how blessed you truly are”
“The school as at fault for trying to make me memorise stupid stuff rather than stimulating me”
“Truth without trust is but useless information”
“Adversity reveals your character.”
“Problem with closed minded people are their mouths are always open.”
“We all are just a PERFECT BLEND of infinitely many moments of I won. and Did I just lose? .”
“In soul, happens union.”
“Carry the weight but don t complain.”
“Staring is looking at the present and seeing the future.”
“Do not look for yourself in a friend or spouse, your copy is nowhere to be found.”