“A man is guided by his mission.”
“A mn is created in the image of his God, for His glory.”
“A man his created in the image of God for His glory.”
“A man must live for a cause higher than himself, this is the courage of his existence.”
“There is nothing that makes man happy than his hope.”
“A man change when he is converted.”
“A man lives to fulfill his mission.”
“Strange man, worn and kind, with his soul honed to steel.”
“Her husband was a very loving man. Trouble was, she caught him at it.”
“Every man needs a man to look up to.”
“Man is made by his Maker to fulfil His mission for His good pleasure for his generations.”
“A man s pathway to heaven is the purity of his heart.”
“A man his motivated by his mission.”
“A man is motivated by his mission.”
“A man who knows his mission is only motivated by a sense of duty.”
“God made a man in his image.”
“One of the few times in a man s life when he is not full of shit!! The morning of a colonoscopy. Enough said!”