“Before you follow somebody, ask whom is he following.”
“Too many train their speaking than their listening.”
“Look forward to be a learner. The leader comes along.”
“You can t be richer than your trust in your partners.”
“90% of our Leadership happens when we do not speak.”
“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.”
“You build legacy when you do something and also when you do nothing.”
“Staying humble and being grateful is a perfect combination for longterm leadership”
“Leadership. More than a New York Times best seller book.”
“Intentional leadership. The moment when your business starts to grow.”
“Leadership. When you attract more skilled people than you.”
“Leadership. A gun to protect or a gun to kill. Your choice.”
“Leadership. No rules, no laws, no books, no titles, just influence.”
“We do not influence through speaking that much, but by leading.”
“Relational depth often emerges from intentional dialog”
“The first key to leadership is self-control.”
“Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision.”