“We re all human no matter what.”
“Who is a magician? The one who says, I bring nonliving people to life.”
“Live for Your Life not for others...”
“Are you listening to Life or your Mind?”
“Don t expect a good life, just expect to be good in life. -Joseph Jiyun Yang”
“Solo se vive una vez. En realidad, es tu deber que sea una vida plena.”
“I m not a cynic. I am a realist.”
“Laugh louder because nobody notices cry.”
“Some painful memories take time to heal.”
“There are heavens in earth and that is soughed deep beneath your heart.”
“Let silence triumph this time, for words kept losing for too long.”
“Life gives us problems not to break us but to test our strength!”
“Flowers too wither and fall, but they inspire one and all!”
“Life becomes boring when things fall in place the way you intended!”
“But my faith seems naive, at least today. Maybe tomorrow I can believe again.”
“Our whole life, Travellers, said I, is a story more or less intelligible, - generally less; but we shall read it by a clearer light when it is ended.”
“If you want to be happy, do not dwell in the past, do not worry about the future, focus on living fully in the present.”