“Stay curious, not hungry”
“Minimalism is not Life in monochrome .”
“Today is a gift, an opportunity to prove yourself.”
“What doesn t kills us, makes us weird and strange.”
“The only time I m not moving forward is when I m taking aim.”
“Like food is a fuel for a stomach, Like writing is a passion for a writer.”
“Life is much beyond efficiency.”
“Those who stands out of the crowd doesn t belong to the crowd.”
“Don t look for support from outside when you re crumbling from inside.”
“An ideal Woman makes her Man real Man and other Women unreal to him.”
“A life without secrets and lies was a simple path to walk”
“Things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least.”
“You are a queen. So walk in your royalty.”
“Be a player in life who runs for goals, not a referee who looks for faults.”
“Desire and commitment will be the boat that carries you to your goals.”
“The magic of each day lives in the unknown. It s waking up as one person, and accepting that when night falls, we may be someone else entirely. So, when you ask what my story is, forgive me----I m not quite sure yet.”
“Great nations leave great ruins, great men leave great memories”