“I don’t argue with anyone. I just help them learn their own lesson.”
“Knowledge might be good, but wisdom is wonderful.”
“There is only one way to change the world; change yourself.”
“The clearer your mind is, the deeper you will be able to see.”
“It will be difficult to judge anyone once you realize everyone is doing their best.”
“If you have no inner peace of mind, it is futile to seek peace outside.”
“You can’t be a great human being when you enjoy killing innocent and helpless animals with a gun just for fun.”
“You must get lost outside your comfort zone to find where you truly belong.”
“The best way to find out what you really want is to find out what gives you true happiness.”
“Cars have become an essential ingredient of modern life, as shoes used to be.”
“I have hundreds of problems. I just swim above them so they can’t touch me.”
“Service is the best expression of kindness. Kindness is the gateway to heaven.”
“Life becomes fascinating if we have an enthusiastic attitude and become a seeker of the ultimate truth.”
“I can’t run more than two miles at a time, but when I am in the car I become a running machine.”
“When the engine dies, a car can’t fly. Such as when consciousness flies, a human being loses his “I.”
“Not all of us are born to change the world in a big way. However, we all can change ourselves in a small way, which will impact the world in a big way.”
“I am as magnificent and mysterious as life is.”