“Confusion causes creativity.”
“Hello heaven, goodbye world.”
“Hello light, goodbye darkness.”
“Sex, hate, attraction, dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, oxytocin, too much intertwined.”
“Words used carelessly, as if they did not matter in any serious way, often allowed otherwise well-guarded truths to seep through.”
“The pleasure of living and the pleasure of the orgasm are identical. Extreme orgasm anxiety forms the basis of the general fear of life.”
“It is an acknowledged fact that we perceive errors in the work of others more readily than in our own.”
“If you ever find yourself in the wrong story, leave.”
“A wonderful fact to reflect upon, that every human creature is constituted to be that profound secret and mystery to every other.”
“According to Madam Pomfrey, thoughts could leave deeper scars than almost anything else.”
“I don’t know what’s worse: to not know what you are and be happy, or to become what you’ve always wanted to be, and feel alone.”
“How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also If I am to be whole.”
“If you discovered something that made you tighten inside, you had better try to learn more about it.”
“When you want to know how things really work, study them when they re coming apart.”
“We re always contradicting ourselves. We want people to tell us apart.... ...yet we don t want them to be able to. We want people to get to know us... ...but we also want them to keep their distance. We ve always longed for someone to accept us... But we never believed there d be anyone who would accept our twisted ways. That s why we ll stay locked up tight... ...in our own little private world... ...and throw away the key, so that no one can ever hurt us.”
“Many human beings say that they enjoy the winter, but what they really enjoy is feeling proof against it.”
“In an era of stress and anxiety, when the present seems unstable and the future unlikely, the natural response is to retreat and withdraw from reality, taking recourse either in fantasies of the future or in modified visions of a half-imagined past.”