“There is no lady more stisfaied than her beautiful reading and understanding.”
“Since I can t have you tell me where I can find others like”
“An eloquent orgasm paints the most beautiful portrait of life.”
“Viewed from a distance, everything is beautiful.”
“The experience of this sweet life.”
“Every moment is beautiful; delicious even!”
“A smile makes you beautiful.”
“Death is always equal but never fair”
“Death is a force, not a man in a horse”
“Love is a clash of lightnings”
“You are all kinds of beautiful and I love you like crazy.”
“I think the only necessary conclusion is that we are too beautiful, because being not beautiful at all just doesn t make sense.”
“And, in the darkness, David closed his eyes as all that was lost was found again.”
“The night was very beautiful and warm, and they were both young.”
“It is a terrible and beautiful thing, to love like this.”
“Nicky knew so many beautiful things.”
“Tell Khan Drogo that he has given me the wind.”