“Ideas come from everything”
“Sleep is serious killer for idea.”
“Every Idea has a lifespan”
“You shouldn’t be a prisoner of your own ideas.”
“„Ideile care se răspândesc câștigă.”
“Don t Leave your ideas to die.”
“Incapacity finds a refuge in ideas.”
“Use ideas, don t let them use you.”
“Best ideas come while sipping rum”
“God always has fresh ideas”
“Ideas are bulletproof”
“A writer is a messenger for the subconscious.”
“Ideas are the invisible Gods of our universe!”
“The beauty of images lies behind things, the beauty of ideas in front of them.”
“An idea isn t responsible for the people who believe in it.”
“Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.”
“Physical manifestations are as a result of non-physical processes.”