“Your full of yourself. Duhh... genetics man.”
“You two have just reached the level of annoyingly cute.”
“Wow, that was an expensive looking explosion! I can t believe we had that in the budget.”
“Power is the ability to persuade stupid people to do intelligent things and intelligent people to do stupid things. This is why power is dangerous.”
“Many people don’t know that God has abandoned us. It is a well established fact that existence is a meaningless pit of despair and suffering. Alleviated only by the occasional glimpse of what we are hardwired to perceive as happiness. Which in and of itself is merely a mechanism to leave us with an acute sense of ennui, When we realize that all satisfaction is fleeting and contentment with life is an illusion. What many don’t realize is that we are built this way not because God hates us, but because he hasn’t bothered fixing reality, as he has better things to do.”
“Digging through trash, really? That’s low, even for you Elliot,” I tease.”
“A comedy of horror starts with a tickle and ends with a bite.”
“Everyone knows WebMD is a Choose Your Own Adventure book in which all roads lead to death.”
“Because the comic hero deviates, by the nature of his role, from social norms, he leads an alienated existence: he is slapped, reviled, insulted, treated as an outcast, disinherited. Yet he bears everything with the rigid patience of the wise Fool, whose foolery is in his passport to safety. (In his introduction to Habiby s Secret Life of Saeed the Pessoptimist)”
“Because the comic hero deviates, by the nature of his role, from social norms, he leads an alienated existence: he is slapped, reviled, insulted, treated as an outcast, disinherited. Yet he bears everything with the rigid patience of the wise Fool, whose foolery is in his passport to safety. (In her introduction to Habiby s Secret Life of Saeed the Pessoptimist)”
“In tragedy anything comic is a blemish and in comedy anything tragic is ugly”
“Comedy can have its anagnorisis too, when the foolish recognise their folly.”
“Comedy tolerates the miraculous”
“It is, after all, fantastic to believe that our fears are tameable”
“And the laugh will set them free.”
“I don t even have time to tell you how wrong you are. Actually, it s going to bug me if I don t....”
“I have fever of comedyvirus. I think thoughts. I open eyes. I m not CIA, but I could be. I m not the Riddler, but I could be.”