“I m not a humanitarian, I m a hell-raiser. ”
“I love being single. It s almost like being rich.”
“Women who lead, read”
“Beware of fascist feminism.”
“...[R]apists tend to lie, a lot...”
“Eve was framed”
“Before I find my prince I have to find me”
“Feminism is not a physical uniform.”
“She s strong but she s exhausted.”
“I love my own kind—womankind.”
“Women belong in all places where decisions are being made. It shouldn t be that women are the exception.”
“I love being a woman and being a friend to other women, should be feminism s tagline.”
“I would have girls regard themselves not as adjectives but as nouns.”
“Vendrá si trabajamos por ella, y que vale la pena trabajar hasta en la oscuridad y en la pobreza.”
“This business of womanhood is a heavy burden.”
“A seasonal feminist?? What’s that?”