“Let me get this straight,” countered Zack. “You’re telling me there is some secret fellow in the church whose job it is to deal with molestation cases when they occur?”
“I find that I keep offering God my service when what He wants is my fellowship”
“Everybody gets to play.”
“God doesn t act like the Church. No, instead, the Church must act like God.”
“The city takes a breath on Sunday. Of all that’s lost with the pursuit of what’s next, I hope we don’t lose that…”
“I remind you that there are churches so completely out of the hands of God that if the Holy Spirit withdrew from them, they wouldn t find it out for many months”
“Out here, the open night is my church, the trees are my congregation, the stars are my angels and the moon is the only god that I know.”
“And off in the far distance, the gold on the wings of the angel atop the bell tower of San Marco flashed in the sun, bathing the entire city in its glistening benediction.”
“The Church isn’t just for those who believe in God. It’s for those who don’t have anything to believe in. The lonely, lost and homeless. A place of refuge.”
“Don’t try to tame the wild God”
“It s astonishing what a number of churches and idiots there are in the world.”
“Vicar: You ought to try [religion], one of these days, he said. I believe you d like it. I said: but I have tried it, haven t I? I ve been to church. It never seems to take.”
“We need to let ourselves be evangelized by the poor. They have much to teach us.”
“But della Rovere frowned and said, Heed my warning, Guido Feltra. He s full of the devil, this son of the church.”
“I had never met the Roman Catholuc Church outside of a history book. To come across it living, so to speak, was like finding a diplodocus.”
“It is better to go skiing and think of God, than go to church and think of sport.”
“Your church is a baby-house made of blocks.”