“Pursue your passion.”
“The sensation that seized me that morning
“Passion is not such an emotion as a destiny.”
“Fire burns through thought.”
“Ignite the fire in your soul.”
“You need spirit, fire, to write. You can t write out of indifference.”
“Anything beautiful now was just a thought yesterday.”
“I’m his puppet and he is my invisible master, holding my strings from miles away.”
“It is possible to find the passion to read.”
“Having a passion for Christ and that s really what gives life a true meaning.”
“Whatever you do, put all your soul, your spirit and your strength into it.”
“What do you love to fulfill in life?”
“Writing is a sacred passion.”
“I am fully persuaded to pursue my passion.”
“passion itu adalah....... ketika tidak bisa tidur sebelum eksekusi ide, sementara tubuh sudah terbaring dan mata tertutup rapat”
“We witness the miracle of redemption together with people of like passion”
“Never trust people who don t have something in their lives that they love beyond all reason.”