“Today’s headlines need not be tomorrow’s storyline.”
“Sharks don’t eat seafood because they like it, but because chicken can’t swim.”
“I have been blessed with luck, talent and opportunities, now it is my duty to add the hardworking element.”
“The cheapest route to a new opportunity is conversation.”
“Success is the Fragrance of Sweat and Blood”
“From my youth, I was trained to endure rejections and change them into opportunities.”
“What is the New Year but the perfect place to live out what we learned in the old year?”
“In this marvelous dispensation of the fulness of times, our opportunities to give of ourselves are indeed limitless, but they are also perishable.”
“Risks and opportunities are different sides of the same coin.”
“The tender sentiment of the one and only has less to do with constancy of heart than with singleness of opportunity.”
“In everything that I’ve left behind there lays everything that I need to move ahead. Therefore, the past need not be a trash-heap. Rather, it can be a treasure-trove.”
“Do not stop searching for opportunities until opportunities find you.”
“I’m always vocal about what I need. My instinctive impulses are difficult to resist.”
“The Holy Spirit was left here on earth to lead us into all truth. When we listen and follow the prompting of the Holy Spirit, we won t miss out on opportunities or open doors God sets before us.”
“She takes advantage of opportunities to help others. Yet, she takes advantage of no one because she is a selfless woman.”
“A successful woman keeps looking for better opportunities. Her life is filled with success stories.”
“There are plenty of business opportunities around us, what we need is a creative entrepreneurial discernment to be able to discover, recognize and guts to seize them.”