“When we are asleep in this world, we are awake in another.”
“I am just a crazy person living a crazy life in a crazy world.”
“Blank pages are the only things left perfect in this world.”
“President Trump showed the world how incompetent the USA can be.”
“This is unfortunate, but the world is too complex for there to be good reasons for any truly great decision.”
“Suddenly, he felt that the world had no place for him, despite how large it was.”
“What?! I m not small! It s the world that s too big!!”
“Those who rule the world get so little opportunity to run about and laugh and play in it.”
“Then you realize: night gives the world back its natural, original appearance, without suger-coating it; day is a flight of fancy, light a slight exception, an oversight, a disruption of the order. The world in fact is dark, almost black. Motionless and cold.”
“It’s so hard to balance in our minds the knowledge that ‘the world’ is mundanely ‘a planet.’ The former is so holy; the latter merely a science project.”
“Men generally don t recognize the authority of women , Levi said very gently. It s the way of the world, Amelia. I m sorry it distress you. The world , Amelia said, is wrong about so many things.”
“Those who do not learn from home the world awaits to teach them; unfortunately, it s brutal and sometimes too late.”
“O lume de spectre, asta suntem toți. Realitatea, așa cum o percepem prin simțurile noastre limitate și mincinoase, nu există. Există doar ce se vede în oglinzi, în vitrine, pe cer, în apa Veneției. Iată cum zeul trimitea muritorilor secretul lui.”
“Timpul nu există și așa-zisa lui trecere dinspre trecut prin prezent spre viitor este pură închipuire, de vreme ce acesta, am numit TIMPUL , se află în lucruri de la facerea lumii. De atunci se ascunde în nisipul deșertulu, pe fundul oceanelor ca un monstru marin și în cerul spuzit de stele.”
“You have to treat the world like it s yours to experience”
“To make our world a better place, we need to build products that the corrupt cannot abuse - Bitcoin is the best example of that.”
“We can not all love in the same way - for the feeling would be called ordinariness instead. And of that, the world has too much already.”