“Ningún cirujano puede tratar las heridas de la lengua.”
“La valía de la Morada yace en el Morador.”
“Try always to do what you WISH, and you will often sacrifice what you CAN do.”
“One should not pray if that prayer is vanity.”
“Things which are seemingly opposed may in fact be working together”
“Detto del Profeta Dormire Il sonno è il fratello della morte.”
“Wisdom gives honour to nobility, and nobility to everything else.”
“The imagination of the wise is truer than the knowledge of fools.”
“If it is dark enough, one candle is plenty.”
“The best player of a game is the watcher — ask him.”
“You cannot learn more until you can learn more.”
“No podrás aprender más hasta que puedas aprender más.”
“There is no purpose in hammering cold iron.”
“The thief who has not been caught is a king.”
“No tiene propósito alguno martillar hierro frío.”
“El ladrón que no ha sido atrapado es un rey.”
“When tomorrow comes, think tomorrow s thoughts.”