“God is gathering a small number of chosen people who will live within the boundaries these times”
“If you live your life worried about the what-ifs, you re going to live a very desolate life.”
“You re alive, Haven, but when are you going to start living?”
“to live at all is to be bruised”
“This earth in which we are living is not our everlasting home”
“The price of living seems to always be death.”
“You must choose the life you live at the time you live it.”
“The real education is the reality of how well you live life.”
“We are all here to live our lives.”
“We cannot just live any how.”
“Living beings have this in common; the breath of life.”
“Reminding me how fragile this life is and how easily it can be lost. Compelling me to live and to live well, while I still can. Because sooner or later, we must all face eternity.”
“It s chance, I tell you, he interrupted, as everything is in a man s life.”
“It is true: we love life, not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving. There is always a certain madness in love. But also there is always a certain method in madness.”
“Every day is a dance deed.”
“When I think of what I already lived through it seems to me I was shedding my bodies along the paths.”
“...to be able to enjoy the life you have spent, is to live it twice.”