“Alasan tetap ada sekiranya dicari.”
“Motivation is a dangerous tool.”
“Critics who criticize you for the sake of criticism need you more than you need them.”
“Toss leads straight to loss.”
“You change so does your goals.”
“Success is not only determined by your ability to begin but by your ability to sustain once you have begun.”
“You don t see it happening because you don t believe.”
“A bird flying doesn t know what skills it has. The day it knows it will drop dead.”
“When you become a boss you boss when you become a friend you earn friendship.”
“Not knowing is cataract, not wanting to know is total blindness.”
“Silence is a bad answer.”
“How you live today is going to be an example for the world tomorrow.”
“Your beating heart says that you still have a chance.”
“You can make me fall only to rise again.”
“Accepting failures & moving ahead with the same zeal & enthusiasm is the first step to success.”
“First you gave up inside and then you called it destiny.”
“Sometimes your yearning for another s SUCCESS is so strong that it becomes your FAILURE.”