“Visionary is a seed of Creativity”
“Faith requires no Tangible Evidenve but remains Optimistic”
“Real Women are Covered to be Discovered in due time”
“The future is terrifying because it s full of stuff, not because it s empty.”
“It s not what you do, it s what it means.”
“Love doesn t just go away when it becomes inconvenient.”
“Words are potential weapons so use them wisely.”
“Rise-up before you die sleeping”
“It s not about being smart with your words, it s about others becoming smart through them.”
“Do the things you want to do; if you don’t, the things which keep you alive inside you die and you turn into a ghost!”
“there is ample room for kindness in authenticity”
“Be true to your teeth and they won t be false to you.”
“Anointing without a Character is a Disaster”
“You can t be Great if you can t blaze the trail”
“Oh darling, your only too wild, to those whom are to tame, don t let opinions change you.”
“If I disagree with you sometimes, it s because I have a mind of my own.”
“The trick to saying the word cock, is to do it like you have one in your mouth.”