“It is a matter of artistic instinct. In his own thoughts and feelings and way of doing things an actor is worth nothing or he is worth something. If he is worth something then he will try to be worth something more as is only normal in anyone who wants to get on. I can think of no other way to explain artistic development.”
“There were no sparks, just a gasoline fire burning through the dark”
“Miss, I d gladly pay you to remove your clothes.”
“Vivent les fous qui sautent à pieds joints là où n osent se poser les anges.”
“Y el artista no es, como el vulgo piensa, una persona jovial que esparce por aquí y por allá obras de arte por mera exuberancia, sino que infortunadamente es por lo general una pobre alma que se sofoca con riquezas excedentes y que por lo tanto tiene que obsequiar algunas de ellas.”
“A fi artist, în ochii lui însemna înainte de toate să fii supus. Supus unor mesaje misterioase, imprevizibile, care, în lipsa de ceva mai bun și în absența oricărei credințe religioase, se cuveneau calificate drept intuiții; niște mesaje poruncitoare, care se afirmau într-o manieră imperioasă, categorică, fără a-ți lăsa nici cea mai mică posibilitate de a te sustrage - sau doar cu riscul de a-ți pierde orice noțiune de integritate și de respect față de tine însuți.”
“De kunstenaar is een arbeider lijk gij en ik. Hij maakt schoonheid, en hij wordt daar meestal niet voor betaald. De kunstenaar leeft en sterft met de arbeider mee. Al waar de arbeider naar verlangt, tracht de kunstenaar nu reeds gestalte te geven. Zo is de schrijver niet een dwaas die van sterren en maneschijn zingt, maar een ziener, een profeet over hoe het zou kunnen zijn. Dat is zijn plicht, zoals het de plicht van de arbeider is om de kunstenaar tegemoet te komen.”
“In these electric times the criminal receives a cosmopolitan reputation. It is a privilege he shares with few other artists.”
“Where Norman Rockwell is the Artist for the man on the street, O Henry is his author.”
“The real importance of automatism lay in the fact that it led to a different relation between the artist and the creative act. Where the artist had traditionally been seen as someone who invents a personal world, bringing into being something unique to his own genius , the surrealists conceived themselves as explorers and researchers rather than artist in the traditional sense and it was discovery rather than invention that became crucial for them.”