“The music was more than music- at least what we are used to hearing. The music was feeling itself. The sound connected instantly with something deep and joyous. Those powerful moments of true knowledge that we have to paper over with daily life. The music tapped the back of our terrors, too. Things we d lived through and didn t want to ever repeat. Shredded imaginings, unadmitted longings, fear and also surprisingly pleasures. No, we can t live at that pitch. But every so often something shatters like ice and we are in the river of our existence. We are aware. And this realization was in the music, somehow, or in the way Shamengwa played it.”
“Miracles... seem to me to rest not so much upon... healing power coming suddenly near us from afar but upon our perceptions being made finer, so that, for a moment, our eyes can see and our ears can hear what is there around us always.”
“The world is right because I feel good. p. 83, Awareness, copyright 1990”
“The aware do not die; The unaware are as though dead already.”
“We all operate on different levels of awareness. Half the time I don t know what I m doing.”
“If you throw stones on my way to stumble and I fall, you try to put extra care when passing my way, lest you stumble and fall.”
“Instinct s aware of reflex when mind ain t yet.”
“Our physical world seems ready and able to accommodate the needs of the spiritually awakened new Superhuman. The constraints or demands of our material world are not the real problem; it is our own spiritual awareness and philosophical wisdom that is lagging behind.”
“All she really wanted to do was sleep, but it seemed her awareness level was operating at peak efficiency, for some reason.”
“While performing the great majority of the actions in their life, people are totally unaware. We tend to go through our daily activities mechanically. We talk without real purpose. We do things without even knowing that we do them. We are not really present to what we are doing. Even if we practise being aware, entire portions of our days can elapse before we retrieve our thread of awareness. In short, we are not living our life, we are sleeping it.”
“Each one s no longer conscious Of the high wall, or the rest: Since the one enduring fortress, Is the soldier s iron breast. If you’d live unconquered, Quickly arm, and fight the real foe: Every wife an Amazon bred, And every child a hero.”
“We must revolt against the malicious and political game of ‘revolution’ as we know it today. According to this game, revolution is nothing but the transfer of pain from one group of people to other less fortunate and wretched groups. According to this political game, ‘revolution’ is merely imposing injustice on new groups of people. According to dirty politicians, ‘revolutions’ are just moving privilege from one elite to another.”
“Nach den Jahren hart am Tode war der Wein nicht nur Wein, das Silber nicht nur Silber, die Musik, die von irgendwoher in den Raum sickerte, nicht nur Musik, und Elisabeth nicht nur Elisabeth - sie alle waren Symbole jenes anderen Lebens, des Lebens ohne Töten und Zerstören, des Lebens um des Lebens willen, das schon fast zu einer Mythe und zu einem hoffnungslosen Traum geworden war.”
“Consider that when you give meaning to everything you see, nothing new can enter your awareness.”
“But for anything deeper, I am not certain whether to know the world and to know human nature be not two distinct branches of knowledge, which while they may coexist in the same heart, yet either may exist with little or nothing of the other.”
“You need to understand here that your consciousness or your awareness of this internal movement will only start from the outside by observing things around you and by following patterns. Always remember that the universe or true nature and your surroundings is always giving you insight and direction. You need to understand and observe this. It’s like reading between the lines.”
“What I call innocence is the spirit s unself-conscious state at any moment of pure devotion to any object. It is at once a receptiveness and total concentration.”