

christian living

“I have rightfully no other business each day but to do God s work as a servant, constantly regarding His pleasure. May I have grace to live above every human motive, simply with God and to God.”

— Henry Martyn, Share via Whatsapp

“If Thy dear home be fuller, Lord, For that a little emptier My house on earth, what rich rewards That guerdon were.”

— Amy Carmichael, Share via Whatsapp

“We all have a job to do—a commissioning fueled by the forces of heaven, a spiritual assignment that will be opposed at every step by the forces of hell.”

— Kim Meeder, Encountering Our Wild God: Ways to Experience His Untamable Presence Every Day, Share via Whatsapp

“We are alive today to love God, to advance the saving hope of Jesus and to fight for those in our midst who are losing their battle for hope.”

— Kim Meeder, Encountering Our Wild God: Ways to Experience His Untamable Presence Every Day, Share via Whatsapp

“The motivation to share our faith does not rise from courage but love.”

— Kim Meeder, Encountering Our Wild God: Ways to Experience His Untamable Presence Every Day, Share via Whatsapp

“Now is time for you to be saved, call on the Saviour, Lord Jesus Christ.”

— Lailah Gifty Akita, Share via Whatsapp

“Forgiveness costs a great deal but it has its own rewards. Bitterness keeps taking from your loss until you re hollow and empty.”

— Heather L.L. FitzGerald, The Genesis Tree, Share via Whatsapp

“Too often, we think that godliness means careening around without any real direction, shooting off like a space shuttle with a deficient navigating system. Our lives follow whatever paths the Lord desires, but let’s remember that godliness is closely related to routine, commitment, hard work, and tireless pursuit. The Bible, as we will see, teaches us to invest our lives in certain core institutions and areas. Many of us have missed this; we will profit from recovering this idea.”

— Owen Strachan, Share via Whatsapp

“Do not diminish the wounds you have received because you have heard far worse stories than yours; minimizing the impact of a wound never heals it. Jesus cares about it all.”

— John Eldredge, Moving Mountains: How You, God, and Prayer Can Change Things for Good, Share via Whatsapp

“Believers are also trained in obedience by means of the cross. For thus they are taught to live according to God s will rather than their own. If everything went according to their own plans, they would never know what it means to follow God.”

— John Calvin, A Little Book on the Christian Life, Share via Whatsapp

“We have been chosen from the mass of humanity to live in an intimate union with Christ. It is amazing even to be tolerated by God. It would be an honor simply to be invited to the wedding! It is beyond comprehension to be the beloved bride of the King of kings and Lord of lords! When you understand this, you can’t help but live life aware of the honor, privilege, and blessing that are yours. Yes, your job may bore you. Yes, you had hoped to do something more significant. Yes, you wish you could find a way out. But you do not go to work searching for fulfillment. It may give you a sense of dignity, but it does not define you. In Christ you are full, joyful, and satisfied.”

— Timothy S. Lane, How People Change, Share via Whatsapp

“The Christian life is a state of thankful discontent or joyful dissatisfaction. That is, I live every day thankful for the grace that has changed my life, but I am not satisfied. Why not? Because, when I look at myself honestly, I have to admit that I am not all I can be in Christ. I am thankful for the many things in my life that would not be there without his grace, but I will not settle for a partial inheritance!”

— Timothy S. Lane, How People Change, Share via Whatsapp

“This life of self-examination and joyful discontent should not be confused with a life of paralyzing self-condemnation. God does not call us to self-loathing, but to a willingness to examine our lives in light of our hope as new creatures in Christ. That hope is not only based on the promise of forgiveness, but on his promise of personal deliverance and restoration as well. The same grace that has forgiven me is now in the process of radically changing me. I should not be satisfied until that transformation is complete.”

— Timothy S. Lane, How People Change, Share via Whatsapp

“For many of us, life is complicated. Challenging. We battle illness, longing for many things: to be loved, to live meaningful lives, to enjoy just one day without symptoms, without triggering a condition, to feel capable of nurturing our loved ones the way we want to, to be defined not by a condition or a diagnosis, but by our inner selves - the person God sees when He looks at us.”

— Holly Dickson-Ramos, Strong Spirit: Hope for Women Living with Illness, Share via Whatsapp

“Our greatest influence is our example.”

— T.F. Tenney, The Main Thing-- Is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing, Share via Whatsapp

“Some people are as frustrated as a three-headed woodpecker in a petrified forest.”

— T.F. Tenney, The Main Thing-- Is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing, Share via Whatsapp

“Do what you can with what you have where you are, and God will do the rest.”

— T.F. Tenney, The Main Thing-- Is to Keep the Main Thing the Main Thing, Share via Whatsapp