


“Living the dream.”

— Tom Giaquinto, Be A Good Human, Share via Whatsapp

“I want to taste and glory in each day, and never be afraid to experience pain.”

— Sylvia Plath, Share via Whatsapp

“إن كلا منا يعرف في بداية حياته ما هي أسطورته الذاتية التي ينبغي أن يحققها. ولكن قوى غامضة تحاول أن تصرفك عن تحقيق تلك الأسطورة. تضع أمامك كل أنواع العقبات. ولكنك عندما تريد شيئا بحق فإن رغبتك الحقيقية تصبح جزءا من روح العالم الذي أنت جزءا منه. وروح العالم تتغذى من سعادة البشر. إلا أنها أيضا تتغذى من الشقاء والحسد والغيرة حين ينكص الإنسان عن إنجاز أسطورته. ويتراجع عنها. إن تحقيق الذات هو الالتزام الوحيد للإنسان على الأرض. حين يسعى إليه يندرج هو أيضا في تلك الروح الشاملة. ويتآمر العالم كله معه لكي يحقق له رغبته. ما دام قد أوتي الشجاعة لقهر القوى الغامضة التي تريد أن تشل قدرته على الفعل.”

— باولو كويلهو, The Alchemist, Share via Whatsapp

“Pitting your dream against someone else s is a fantastic way to get discouraged and depressed.”

— Jon Acuff, Quitter: Closing the Gap Between Your Day Job & Your Dream Job, Share via Whatsapp

“I tell you, life is extraordinary. A few years ago I couldn’t write anything or sell anything, I’d passed the age where you know all the returns are in, I’d had my chance and done my best and failed. And how was I to know the miracle waiting to happen round the corner in late middle age? 84, Charing Cross Road was no best seller, you understand; it didn’t make me rich or famous. It just got me hundreds of letters and phone calls from people I never knew existed; it got me wonderful reviews; it restored a self-confidence and self-esteem I’d lost somewhere along the way, God knows how many years ago. It brought me to England. It changed my life.”

— Helene Hanff, The Duchess of Bloomsbury Street, Share via Whatsapp

“And hope is but a dream of those that wake.”

— Matthew Prior, Share via Whatsapp

“Every cell of my body says, ‘Oh god yes! Crime? I can do some crime!’ I want this ship like I’ve never wanted anything in my life. I had a poster of the first-ever Breakbolt model on my bedroom wall when I was nine. It’s like a manifestation of every dream I’ve ever had, everything I’ve ever wanted for myself: a piloting license, a beautiful ship under me, and stars out the viewport. Child Nax says, ‘Do it, do the crime!”

— M.K. England, The Disasters, Share via Whatsapp

“لنا حُلُمٌ واحدٌ: أَن يمرَّ الهواءْ صديقاً، وينشُرَ رائحةَ القهوةِ العربيّةِ فوق التلال المحيطة بالصيف والغرباءْ.”

— محمود درويش, لماذا تركت الحصان وحيدًا, Share via Whatsapp

“A dream is a wish your heart makes.”

— Cinderella, Share via Whatsapp

“All I’ve ever done is dream. That, and only that, has been the meaning of my existence. The only thing I’ve ever really cared about is my inner life. My greatest griefs faded to nothing the moment I opened the window onto my inner self and lost myself in watching. I never tried to be anything other than a dreamer. I never paid any attention to people who told me to go out and live. I belonged always to whatever was far from me and to whatever I could never be. Anything that was not mine, however base, always seemed to be full of poetry. The only thing I ever loved was pure nothingness.”

— Fernando Pessoa, Share via Whatsapp

“Si vous êtes pris dans le rêve de l‘autre; vous êtez foutus.”

— Gilles Deleuze, Share via Whatsapp

“You know Sven? The man who takes care of the gym? he asked. He waited till he got a nod from Nicholson. Well, if Sven dreamed tonight that his dog died, he d have a very, very bad night s sleep, because he s very fond of that dog. But when he woke up in the morning, everything would be all right. He d know it was only a dream. Nicholson nodded. What s the point exactly? The point is if his dog really died, it would be exactly the same thing. Only he wouldn t know it. I mean he wouldn t wake up till he died himself.”

— J.D. Salinger, Nine Stories, Share via Whatsapp

“If size does matter, then dream-n-do big!”

— Toba Beta, My Ancestor Was an Ancient Astronaut, Share via Whatsapp

“To make a great dream come true, you must first have a great dream.”

— Hans Selye, Share via Whatsapp

“No star is ever lost we once have seen, We always may be what we might have been Since Good, though only thought, Has life and breath - God s life - can always be redeemed from death. And evil in its nature is decay, And any hour may blot it all away. The hope that lost in some far distance seems, May be the truer life, and this the dream.”

— Adelaide Anne Procter, Share via Whatsapp

“Produce your own dream. If you want to save Peru, go save Peru. It’s quite possible to do anything, but not if you put it on the leaders and the parking meters. Don’t expect Carter or Reagan or John Lennon or Yoko Ono or Bob Dylan or Jesus Christ to come and do it for you. You have to do it yourself.”

— John Lennon, Share via Whatsapp

“Jack s doctors have told him he is crazy… but, the truth is, it s the Voices who are crazy, not him.”

— Jennifer Daydreamer, Oliver, Share via Whatsapp