

erotic romance

“He held his fingers to my lips. “Shh, don’t say it, Tyler. Don’t say the words that will fucking break me. Don’t say the words that will tear my world apart.” Dean sighed and gripped his eyes shut before looking back at me again. “Don’t ask me to give up something that has always been a part of me. It will kill me, Tyler. Please. I can’t live without you.”

— Jaimie Roberts, Redemption, Share via Whatsapp

“Some men just can’t stomach the necessary steps it takes to make a good girl great.”

— Willow Madison, We Were One Once, Share via Whatsapp

“You know what they say. Absence makes the heart grow fonder.” “If my heart grows any fonder, it’s going to hop out of my chest and into yours.”

— Olivia Cunning, Backstage Pass, Share via Whatsapp

“Let me go!” I screamed, but it was a wasted effort. Dean was determined to hold me. Determined never to lose his grip. “I’m never going to let you go again.”

— Jaimie Roberts, Redemption, Share via Whatsapp

“If women were totally satisfied with their sexual and lovemaking experiences, women would welcome the lovemaking experience as much as men.”

— J.F. Kelly, Share via Whatsapp

“We do not know whether I am making love to you or you are making love to me. The experience is so completely mutual. It feels awesome. I wish it could last forever.”

— J.F.Kelly, Share via Whatsapp

“Your middle name might be discreet, but mine is resourceful, Darling.”

— Ella Dominguez, Continental Life, Share via Whatsapp