


“Influencing the world for good starts with service, self-care and specificity in time contribution to family.”

— Richie Norton, Share via Whatsapp

“Your trust in me then and now scares and reassures me.”

— Kao Kalia Yang, The Song Poet: A Memoir of My Father, Share via Whatsapp

“Charity begins on the street when you are homeless.”

— Mokokoma Mokhonoana, Share via Whatsapp

“I don t want to live forever. But as long as I m alive, I m going to love life, love my family, and love God. That s the way I am.”

— Nancy Sprowell Geise, Auschwitz #34207: The Joe Rubinstein Story, Share via Whatsapp

“What my family seeks in this marriage is prestige; what I seek is happiness.”

— Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo, Share via Whatsapp

“The Locke family were my teachers and Keyhouse was my school. I learned from you that in this world, family is the final, most elemental unit of power.”

— Joe Hill, Locke & Key, Vol. 6: Alpha & Omega, Share via Whatsapp

“Somos cinco hermanos. Vivimos en distintas ciudades y algunos en el extranjero, pero no solemos escribirnos. Cuando nos vemos, podemos estar indiferentes y distraídos unos de los otros, pero basta que uno de nosotros diga una palabra, una frase, una de aquellas antiguas frases que hemos oído y repetido infinidad de veces en nuestra infancia, nos basta con decir: No hemos venido a Bérgamo a hacer campamento o ¿A qué apesta el ácido sulfhídrico? , para volver a recuperar de pronto nuestra antigua relación y nuestra infancia y juventud, unidas indisolublemente a aquellas frases, a aquellas palabras. Una de aquellas frases o palabras nos haría reconocernos los unos a los otros en la oscuridad de una gruta o entre millones de personas. Esas frases son nuestro latín, el vocabulario de nuestros días pasados, son como jeroglíficos de los egipcios o de los asiriobabilonios: el testimonio de un núcleo vital que ya no existe, pero que sobrevive en sus textos, salvados de la furia de las aguas, de la corrosión del tiempo. Esas frases son la base de nuestra unidad familiar, que subsistirá mientras permanezcamos en el mundo recreándose y resucitando en los puntos más diversos de la tierra.”

— Natalia Ginzburg, Léxico familiar, Share via Whatsapp

“Our family of origin—the source of our first blueprint for navigating relationships.”

— Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., Share via Whatsapp

“I look at the stars again. Daddy says he named me Starr because I was his light in the darkness. I need some light in my own darkness right about now.”

— Angie Thomas, The Hate U Give, Share via Whatsapp

“Who knew love could kill you.”

— Anthony Doerr, All the Light We Cannot See, Share via Whatsapp

“Page 78 The family sucks the juice out of everything around it, leaving other institutions stunted and distorted. Page 75 Deep-seated differences between the sexes do tend to be reproduced from generation to generation by the fact that children are reared by a pair of differentiated parents and the parameters of their sexual orientation are set in the context of their early relations with those parents. But our unbalanced pattern of sexuality is also an integral part of a thriving marriage system that still enshrines male power and female dependence. Until that form of family disappears, sexual enjoyment will continue to be a male privilege and it will continue to take the form of sexual possession. Clearly, then, it remains necessary, as the early socialists recognized, to separate sex love from these economic ties and allow it to flourish in its own right. Page 52-53 The Oneida community, founded in New York State in 1848, consciously rejected the family and marriage as being inimical to a full communal life. The biblical text, ‘In heaven they neither marry nor are given in marriage’, was taken as justification for ‘complex marriage’ in which all the men and women of the community were joined. Heterosexual relations between any of them were encouraged; long-term pairing was discouraged. Children were cared for in a children’s house soon after they were weaned, visiting their own parents only once or twice a week. Their founder John Humphrey Noyes saw a very clear contradiction between intense family feelings and community feeling. He believed that ‘the great problem of socialism now is, whether the existence of the marital family is compatible with that of the universal family, which the term “community” signifies.”

— Michèle Barrett, The Anti-Social Family, Share via Whatsapp