“The written word can make one pause and contemplate. It can make a reader sigh to dream or question a belief in considerable depth. But all of that is nothing if those words fail to touch the heart and make one feel.”
“I pen you words from my heart neither paper nor pen would do as I lay them out in flowery fonts what more could you ask for as I am writing in your heart the love that I want to endure I am no Keats nor am I anyone but me a poetess longing for your touch get lost with me in my words as I serenade you with a forever quill.”
“I used to hope that if I went to church long enough, all my inside weight would go away. That ain t right. Jesus may have come to take away our sins, but he left our feelings right where they ve always been. I still have inside me some of what I ve always had, built up over a lifetime. I just keep adding to it, everyday, like everybody else, and hope the stew gets better the more ingredients I put in.”
“When we grow up, we find ways to hide our anxieties, our loneliness, our fear and sorrow. But children hide nothing, putting everything into their tears, which they spread liberally about for the whole world to see.”
“And being here like this, so suddenly close to him is enough to make her lightheaded. It s a feeling like falling.”
“I am in the Aleph, the point at which everything is in the same place at the same time. I m at a window, looking out at the world and its secret places, poetry lost in time and words left hanging in space...sentences that are perfectly understood, even when left unspoken. Feelings that simultaneously exalt and suffocate.”
“Feelings and togetherness might cause hatred but indifference doesn t even know what feeling is.”
“That spring, Amelia takes Maya to the drugstore and lets her choose any polish color she likes. How do you pick? Maya says. Sometimes I ask myself how I m feeling, Amelia says. Sometimes I ask myself how I d like to be feeling.”
“Never expect someone to care for you or to care about your feelings and emotios Everyone s fucking heartless, people just don t give a damn about your stupid feelings or your boring stories. People only know how to fool you around and use you for their own benefits.”
“Well, this is how I feel: I want to live by the ocean but also in the forest but also in the mountains but also in a big city but also in the countryside. Do you understand me?”
“Ascoltate, perchè non siamo tutti come fratelli gli uni per gli altri? Perchè anche la persona migliore nasconde sempre qualcosa all altro e non gliene parla? Perchè non dire francamente, subito, quello che si ha nel cuore, se si che le nostre parole non saranno dette al vento? Invece ognuno appare per così dire più burbero di quanto non sia effettivamente, come se tutti avessero paura di fare torto ai propri sentimenti se li esternassero troppo in fretta...”
“It was different than all the rest because I say it was. I felt it was.”
“No feeling is wrong. You have the right to your feelings. However, you do not need to wallow in them, and you do not have the right to act them out. The world hasn t suddenly become your punching bag or litter tray.”
“The sharp light of the stars and moon sliced away her misconceptions and pared down their layers until the feelings that had always existed between them lay bare.”
“I earned my place, With the tidal waves. I can t escape this feeling, That something ain t right. I called my name As I crashed the gates, Still I can t escape this feeling That something ain t right.”
“Sex is an act of pleasure and an expression of love. How better to communicate one’s deepest feelings than without the clumsy use of words? — André Chevalier”
“There s always that one guy who gets a hold on you.”