“It was painful to contemplate the distance between the future of accomplishment I d imagined for myself twenty years earlier, and the reality...it was painful to understand that the cushion of exceptionality invoked by the drug had made me oblivious to my inertia. And it was painful to have to define myself again, at an age when most people are happy in their own skins.”
“If you wish to give chance on others abilities and capabilities then give them respected time to grow and express themselves. Share a path for everyone to grow and glow!”
“Nothing is lost that cannot be refound she says in a voice infused with otherworldly authority this is the Dark Goddess s promise to guide you back to your deepest self and soul. If you choose this Sarah, so will it be.”
“In the heart of every apple is an entire orchard waiting only to be planted.”
“What makes you succeed must be possessed where it cannot be taken away. The internal capacity to succeed is more important than the external and temporal manifestation of success.”
“When success is internalized, no situation, no matter how bad, can convince you that you will not be able to attain your goal. You become adamant and refuse to give up.”
“You must not end your life because you failed an examination. Failing an examination or making a mistake does not make you a failure at life. The context of life is broader than that.”
“The struggle you re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow. Don´t give up.”
“If you look around you at the physical universe, you will see that it s nature is growth. Everything from the cells in your body to the planets orbiting the sun are constantly growing, constantly changing, constantly evolving. Nothing stays still. Nothing remains the same. So think about it - why would your life be the exception? Why would you be the only thing that exists in all of creation whose purpose isn t to grow?”
“What you deny or ignore, you delay, What you accept and face, you conquer.”
“Don t waste today by talking about yesterday until it s finally tomorrow.”
“I am a phoenix rising from the ashes of my pain and suffering. Today I am reborn, today begins my growth and change.”
“Be with people who like you for who you are, not what you have.”