“Genuine collaboration is an environment that promotes communication, learning, maximum contribution, and innovation.”
“Bruner discusses the need for teachers to understand that children should want to study for study s own sake, for learnings s sake, not for the sake of good grades or examination success. The curriculum should, in other words, be interesting. (Yes, it sounds too obvious even to say, but sometimes the emphasis on content has trumped all other considerations, including that of making learning interesting.)”
“I dream of a house full of books.”
“I take the book stopped at a fold, deliver myself to its pace, to the breathing of the other storyteller. If I am someone else, it s also because books move men more than journeys or tears. After many pages you end up learning a variant, a different move than the one taken and thought inevitable. I break away from what I am when I learn to treat my own life differently.”
“Learn always and wherever possible, knowing that you ll never learn everything.”
“One piece of wisdom a writer quickly learns ~ typos keep you humble.”
“The little child learns to speak, though it has no learned teachers - because it lives with those who know how to speak.”
“From good examples we learn how to be. From bad examples we learn how not to be. An observant and willing student can learn from any circumstance.”
“The biggest gift to oneself is affording yourself a chance to learn.”
“No teacher has the right to cure a child of making noises on a drum. The only curing that should be practiced is the curing of unhappiness.”
“This is how I disappear in pieces. This is how I leave without moving from my place. This is how I dance away. This is how I m gone before you wake.”
“If you hesitate to learn from others, you will never learn anything new.”
“[...]make sure you raise your children by having them play in their studies, and don t use force.”
“Happiness is an art and the one who knows this art lives happily even if they don t have anything.”
“Peculiar I say, how so often the smallest, most seemingly insignificant details later unveil their faces as vital means for progression.”
“I believe life is an education meant to teach us the need to be better people. And I believe this learning often takes place through trial and error which may mean being an awful person at times before clearly seeing and grasping the necessity to improve. If you don t agree with me, just ask Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge. I think Charles Dickens got it quite right.”
“To find out if there is actually such freedom one must be aware of one s own conditioning, of the problems, of the monotonous shallowness, emptiness, insufficiency of one s daily life, and above all one must be aware of fear. One must be aware of oneself neither introspectively nor analytically, but actually be aware of oneself as one is and see if it is at all possible to be entirely free of all those issues that seem to clog the mind. To explore, there must be freedom, not at the end, but right at the beginning. Unless one is free one cannot explore, investigate or examine. Two things are essential: freedom and the act of learning. One cannot learn about oneself unless one is free, free so that one can observe, not according to any pattern, formula or concept, but actually observe oneself as one is.”