

life lesson quotes

“Be careful not to make decisions when you re going through a hard time that will affect your credibility once you get back on your feet.”

— Germany Kent, Share via Whatsapp

“Life is about learning, succeeding and growing. You only learn if you allow yourself to fail and you can only succeed if you try again. So fail good, fail hard, fail often. But never forget to look for the lesson in your downfall. Because only with that knowledge will you grow and succeed.”

— Sandra Cooze, Journey to Your Self - How to Heal from Trauma: Written by Someone Who Did, Share via Whatsapp

“If you don t know what your mission in life is, you already have one - to find it”

— Victor Frankl, Share via Whatsapp

“Big drama of existence is not the death but never having began to live”

— Marcus Aurelius, Share via Whatsapp

“Get so occupied and be your own guide in the life ride.”

— A Billion things to do by Deeksha Arora, Share via Whatsapp

“I don t like calling myself a life-coach . I cannot teach you how to live your life, but I can point out why things are happening the way they are happening in your life and what the outcome will be if you change or don t change the course. Some of us simply learn better from collective and individual history, seeing patterns where others are confused or misled. And none of it is about avoiding life mistakes, but simply about gaining knowledge, making progress and moving on as a better, wiser and stronger version of yourself.”

— Tyara Wolf, Share via Whatsapp

“Life is a river. Life is not the mountain which speaks of struggle, nor the ocean that speaks of depths unknown. Life is not the sky which tells stories of greatness, nor the trees that tell stories of purpose. But life is a river that flows and the only way to live is to go into your river and flow with it. That is where life is. That is how you will arrive at where you are meant to be. Flow in your river wherever it may lead.”

— C. JoyBell C., Share via Whatsapp

“When have you paused to let life in? When have you stopped scrambling to produce more social media content, stopped scrambling as though in a race to be unforgotten? Where are your pauses? Where are the spaces in your life where you let the light in? Where is your stillness? You are afraid of being forgotten, so, you scramble to impress yourself onto everything, everywhere... but what has been impressed into you?”

— C. JoyBell C., Share via Whatsapp

“Everyone s life is fair. No one is living a complete happy life or is suffering a complete miserable life. In every gain, there is loss, vice versa.”

— Bayu Dewey, Share via Whatsapp

“When we mindfully explore the labyrinth of life, we evolve through our discoveries. When we refuse to acknowledge the opportunities life presents, we become stuck in the labyrinth, unaware that we are the key to unburdening our souls.”

— Lorraine Nilon, Spirituality, Evolution and Awakened Consciousness : Getting Real About Soul Maturity and Spiritual Growth, Share via Whatsapp

“No matter how hard you try; you will never be focused on something you are disinterested in!! But, irrespective of any situation, you will always be 100% focused on something you are interested in.”

— Nikita Tak, The First Sip of My Red Wine, Share via Whatsapp

“Creativity is a breath of fresh air in the monotony of this world driven by facts.”

— Purvi Mehta, When Fate Conspires, Share via Whatsapp

“Love in its truest form is most liberating.”

— Purvi Mehta, When Fate Conspires, Share via Whatsapp

“Be wary of people who live their lives vicariously through you. ”

— Germany Kent, Share via Whatsapp

“When you take lessons from the bad phases of your life, it gives great pleasure to understand them during the good times.”

— Ansuman Bhagat, Your Own Thought : A Lot of Thoughts, Share via Whatsapp

“Do Love or Hate, but don t ever Repent!”

— Granthana Sinha, Share via Whatsapp

“Vampires are real! There are dead people walking among us who are so broken inside they can only truly feel whole by feeding on the life, energy, joy, and happiness of others, all the while taking great pleasure in the pain and destruction they purposefully inflict. The only defense from these vampires is to run away as fast as you can and never look back.”

— Ken Poirot, Share via Whatsapp