“They didn t talk the way new lovers often do, sharing everything; they were selective and wary. Sometime it seemed to her their relationship was mostly physical, something she enjoyed.”
“It was Yasir who was of my age, perhaps a year or a few months older than me. We never fought, never argued. I was crazy about Faraz, but Yasir was the apple of my eyes.”
“I Do Not Ask Anything From You, But You.”
“She danced in the shower of my words & I fell softly: Upon her.”
“Lakini kanuni hii (‘optimal stopping’) ina walakini. Kwa mfano utajuaje watu au wapenzi utakaotembea nao au kuachana nao katika kipindi chote cha maisha yako? Au itakuaje kama mpenzi wako wa kwanza uliyemwacha ndiye yule ambaye Mungu alikupangia kuwa naye maishani?”
“- Carol, te quiero. Carol se irguió. Therese la miró con sus ojos intensos y adormilados. Carol acabo de sacar su pijama de la maleta y bajó la tapa. Se acerco a Therese y le puso las manos en los hombros. Se los apretó con fuerza, como si le exigiera una promesa, o quizá intentado averiguar si lo habia dicho de verdad. Luego la besó en los labios como si ya se hubieran besado millones de veces. - ¿Tú no sabes que te quiero?- dijo Carol.”
“Merito un po’ di paradiso. Giusto il tempo di ricaricare le batterie prima di quello che so attendermi a casa.”
“Hunter found the edge of the sink to lean against; watching her mind hunt and wrestle the issue with a strategic defense against the danger to the pack was making it really hard to focus. It was so damned sexy to witness that he could barely breathe.”
“The touch of a beautiful soul with yours is the sacred beginning of love”
“True love is the commitment between two souls where body never betrays”
“Pretty people are a dime a dozen and sex can be had with a complete stranger......but crossing paths with one who awakens within you a poetic melody that echoes throughout the depths of your soul, that is one of life s truest delicacies.”
“The sun leaves often and I watch like a lover who s not yet vulnerable enough to ask it to stay a little longer.”
“I m not simple. Loving me will never be easy. I bring every travesty that s rocked me- with me, to the table. I won t pretend to be something I m not, and I don t expect you to be blemish free either. That s much too boring of an existence. A past means you ve lived, you ve prevailed. My ears are open. My heart is accepting. I want to know how you are. I want to know what made you... and I want to feel free to share the not so pretty parts of me, with you.”
“Friendship can only succeed when its conditions are fulfilled, and he who fulfils all or some of these conditions may be befriended, and if not, then do not attribute any of your friendship to him. The first of these conditions is that he should treat you in public the same as he treats you in private. Secondly, that your source of pride is a source of pride for him, and your source of shame is a source of shame for him too. Thirdly, that neither friendship [with others] nor wealth should render him envious of you. Fourthly, that he must not prevent you from obtaining that which you have the capacity for, and fifthly – and this sums up all the other qualities – that he must not give up on you in times of misfortune.”
“my lover stays lanes apart but it feels like continents once he stops replying on whatsapp: he has checked my story on instagram but one of these days, social media will be the death of me. my lover shows up on my door unannounced, two different flavours of doughnuts in his hand, he knows i have been crying. they d taste better if they weren t so soggy, but i have enough filters on my phone to make them look pretty, my friends would be jealous, favourite desserts from half-closed, overpriced airport shops, a hundred cities away. my lover holds my hand A hasn t called me back he says, their boyfriends do not get them their and kisses my neck, i wish there was a song by the 1975 playing in the background, but instagram music isn t supported in my region. i haven t seen him in eight days, it s funny when i write it down because i was sure it was a millennium, we yearn for skin, touch, smell, but let me quickly take a photograph, make him look like he s not looking, our love can go stale, but my social media needs to keep its aesthetic game strong. two boomerangs, seven filters, and one kissing selfie later, we explode. without words, without music. i feel like it s my first kiss again. this is how it must have felt to be in love a thousand years ago.”
“Lovers devour one another.”