“I am fortitude,” said faith. “I am contentment,” said peace. “I am delight,” said joy. “I am goodness,” said virtue. “I am God,” said love. “I am truth,” said knowledge. “I am sight,” said understanding. “I am perception,” said intelligence. “I am prudence,” said wisdom. “I am awareness,” said enlightenment. “I am success,” said excellence. “I am mastery,” said discipline. “I am persistence,” said focus. “I am influence,” said action. “I am character,” said destiny.”
“The path to ignorance is wide. The path to shallowness is smooth. The path to understanding is bumpy. The path to wisdom is narrow. The path to ignorance is steep. The path to vice is wide. The path to pleasure is smooth. The path to integrity is bumpy. The path to innocence is narrow. The path to paradise is steep. The path to fear is wide. The path to assurance is smooth. The path to hope is bumpy. The path to valor is narrow. The path to faith is steep. The path to sorrow is wide. The path to desire is smooth. The path to patience is bumpy. The path to gratitude is narrow. The path to humility is steep. The path to strife is wide. The path to indifference is smooth. The path to peace is bumpy. The path to joy is narrow. The path to harmony is steep. The path to error is wide. The path to delusion is smooth. The path to discovery is bumpy. The path to truth is narrow. The path to certainty is steep.”
“Darkness will always be a servant of light.”
“You don t excel by conforming to society, you excel by conforming to your higher self.”
“I was taught by family at ten. I was taught by books at twenty. I was taught by enemies at thirty. I was taught by nature at forty. I was taught by life at fifty. At ten, I was foolish. At twenty, I was naïve. At thirty, I was alert. At forty, I was experienced. At fifty, I was wise.”
“Guilt is born in shame. Error is born in speculation. Chaos is born in confusion. Anger is born in bitterness. Wrath is born in rage. Fear is born in mistrust. Violence is born in intolerance. Evil is born in ignorance. Death is born in sin. Want is born in need. Mercy is born in compassion. Peace is born in contentment. Hope is born in confidence. Meekness is born in strength. Patience is born in long-suffering. Integrity is born in goodness. Decency is born in dignity. Joy is born in love. Fate is born in time. Chance is born in fate. Motion is born in rest. Force is born in acceleration. Distance is born in separation. Curiosity is born in observation. Consciousness is born in awareness. Perception is born in understanding. Reason is born in clarity. Matter is born in space. Light is born in darkness. Sound is born in silence. Wind is born in stillness. Heat is born in motion. Nature is born in chaos. Harmony is born in confusion. Energy is born in God. Experience is born in time.”
“Your highest thoughts sometimes arise in your lowest moments.”
“It is only during a storm that a tree knows how strong it is.”
“Teach the ignorant. Study the wise. Avoid the foolish. Embrace the enlightened. Conquer your vices. Exploit your virtues. Release your vices. Embrace your higher self.”
“The 7 Secrets of Overcoming Your Haters 1. Identify your haters. 2. Study your haters. 3. Understand your haters. 4. Confront your haters. 5. Admonish your haters. 6. Avoid your haters. 7. Ignore your haters.”
“Fall for none, rise for all.”
“Justice is the gateway to peace. Education is the gateway to equality. Patience is the gateway to tolerance. Compassion is the gateway to mercy. Certainty is the gateway to assurance. Hope is the gateway to courage. Contentment is the gateway to happiness. Integrity is the gateway to virtue. Need is the gateway to want. Laughter is the gateway to health. Pleasure is the gateway to enjoyment. Love is the gateway to joy. Life is the gateway to death. Reality is the gateway to truth. Harmony is the gateway to order. Time is the gateway to eternity. Intelligence is the gateway to wisdom. Focus is the gateway to determination. Insight is the gateway to understanding. Knowledge is the gateway to enlightenment.”
“A seed neither fears light nor darkness, but uses both to grow.”
“The world can break your heart but never allow it to wound your soul.”
“The world before your eyes is finite, the universe inside your soul is infinite.”
“Those who pull you down are inferior to those who lift you up.”
“There is a fine line between: ego and confidence, weakness and cowardice, piety and self-righteousness, lust and infatuation, patience and procrastination, contentment and apathy, fear and hatred, greed and ambition, sin and pleasure, want and need, and hope and delusion. There is also a fine line between: sleep and death, rest and idleness, envy and desire, noise and music, sight and blindness, respect and idolatry, poverty and crime, corruption and equality, tyranny and despair, religion and exploitation, and freewill and destiny.”