“People Gain your Loyalty and love when they can t get from the person whom they want part of their life.”
“The kindest and most compassionate people I have come across are not religious.”
“Some people think everyone should be the same as them: Look, dress, sound and act just like them.”
“People wonder who is who, Everyone is different - even you!”
“Any government that places profit before people is pure evil.”
“Most of the people in the audience were white and old. They had the gaunt look of people who have seen all the important movies and can now only look forward to reruns.”
“Don t be so busy missing people who left that you miss the people that are standing right in front of you.”
“good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws”
“It is a good rule in life never to apologize. The right sort of people do not want apologies, and the wrong sort take a mean advantage of them.”
“When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures bristling with prejudice and motivated by pride and vanity.”
“The intelligence of that creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.”
“Name the different kinds of people,’ said Miss Lupescu. ‘Now.’ Bod thought for a moment. ‘The living,’ he said. ‘Er. The dead.’ He stopped. Then, ‘... Cats?’ he offered, uncertainly.”
“Telling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell.”
“For everything in this journey of life we are on, there is a right wing and a left wing: for the wing of love there is anger; for the wing of destiny there is fear; for the wing of pain there is healing; for the wing of hurt there is forgiveness; for the wing of pride there is humility; for the wing of giving there is taking; for the wing of tears there is joy; for the wing of rejection there is acceptance; for the wing of judgment there is grace; for the wing of honor there is shame; for the wing of letting go there is the wing of keeping. We can only fly with two wings and two wings can only stay in the air if there is a balance. Two beautiful wings is perfection. There is a generation of people who idealize perfection as the existence of only one of these wings every time. But I see that a bird with one wing is imperfect. An angel with one wing is imperfect. A butterfly with one wing is dead. So this generation of people strive to always cut off the other wing in the hopes of embodying their ideal of perfection, and in doing so, have created a crippled race.”
“People who say that yesterday was better than today are ultimately devaluing their own existence.”