“Quien no haya concebido jamás su propia anulación, quien no haya presentido el recurso a la cuerda, a la bala, al veneno o al mar, es un recluso envilecido o un gusano reptante sobre la carroña cósmica. Este mundo puede quitarnos todo, puede prohibirnos todo, pero no está en el poder de nadie impedir nuestra autoabolición”
“Science is the study of what God already knows.”
“Your Highness, were I to desire to change the world, I could not succeed. The world is shaped by the Way; the self cannot shape it. Trying to change it, you damage it; trying to possess it, you lose it.”
“Never follow a leader without asking your own questions.”
“The best art imitates life in a compelling way. If it imitates a dream, it must be a dream of life. Otherwise, there is no place where we can connect. Our plugs don t fit.”
“You might ask why I loved you. For the same reason a child loves balloons; unaware of how hollow they are, thinking they would last forever.”
“Everything is borrowed.”
“I feel fortunate to have spent a fair amount of time around toxic people, because their true purpose is confirming the value of those who should be treasured.”
“I’ve seen too many relationships that are based on expectation rather than appreciation.”
“He taught me that someone could love me so much, that all their love did was accentuate how different we were.”
“When a human being got blind by heart wont know which one truth.”
“The hands are an extension of the heart.”
“I rather be excited about who I m with, than sure about them.”
“You don t have to be guilty of anything in order to feel guilt”
“Επιλέγουμε τον επόμενο κόσμο μας με βάση τα όσα μαθαίνουμε σ αυτόν εδώ. Αν δε μάθουμε τίποτα, ο επόμενος κόσμος θα είναι ίδιος με αυτόν και θα χουμε ν αντιμετωπίσουμε τους ίδιους περιορισμούς και τα ίδια δυσβάσταχτα βάρη.”
“No living creature lives without mistakes.”
“Αυτό είναι το τίμημα που πληρώνεις όταν δε σε καταλαβαίνουν οι άλλοι, σκέφτηκε. Σε ονομάζουν ή διάβολο ή Θεό.”