


“Fiecare dintre noi a inteles, probabil, atunci ca nu exista mai tarziu . Ca tot ce nu traim ramane netrait. Eu, oricum, aveam gust de cenusa in gura. A fost prima oara cand am simtit ca orice amanare e o iluzie si o moarte. Ca a tergiversa e o forma de a muri.”

— Octavian Paler, Viața ca o coridă, Share via Whatsapp

“Have you paused to consider that there is no way out? Each way out of one situation necessarily being the way into another situation.”

— Russell Hoban, The Mouse and His Child, Share via Whatsapp

“Would you ask a man who bags groceries if he fears death not because it is death but because there are still some interesting groceries he would like to bag?”

— Don DeLillo, White Noise, Share via Whatsapp

“Sometimes, the best thing you can do is nothing. Catelyn”

— George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords, Share via Whatsapp

“Ability does catches my attention, but its a politeness in the person that I remember.”

— Amit Kalantri, Share via Whatsapp

“I am a rock in a sea of despair and yearning. Take hold of me and together we may form an island of hope and plenty.”

— Christopher Earle, Share via Whatsapp

“When your diary is full and your life is empty, get a date”

— Benny Bellamacina, Philosophical Uplifting Quotes and Poems, Share via Whatsapp

“If you think like others, how can you be sure you re thinking at all?”

— Daniel Delgado F, Share via Whatsapp

“What he saw seemed to be the very idea of a city, barnacled and thick with itself.”

— David Edison, The Waking Engine, Share via Whatsapp

“No one is a good historian of the patent, visible, striking, and public life of peoples, if he is not, at the same time, in a certain measure, the historian of their deep and hidden life; and no one is a good historian of the interior unless he understands how, at need, to be the historian of the exterior also...True history being a mixture of all things, the true historian mingles in everything.”

— Les Misérables - Victor Hugo, Share via Whatsapp

“To exemplify, -a beautiful glossy nut, which, blessed with original strength, has outlived all the storms of autumn. Not a puncture, not a weak spot any where. -This nut... while so many of its brethren have fallen and been trodden under foot, is still in possession of all the happiness that a hazel-nut can be supposed capable of.”

— Jane Austen, Persuasion, Share via Whatsapp

“Living in the fast lane is great as long as you remember where the slip roads are”

— Benny Bellamacina, Philosophical Uplifting Quotes and Poems, Share via Whatsapp

“It’s important to look at the big picture of life, as long as it’s not through a small screen”

— Benny Bellamacina, The King of Rhyme, Share via Whatsapp

“Deep in my heart politeness impresses me more than competence.”

— Amit Kalantri, Share via Whatsapp

“Life is like a DVR recording. The story goes on, but you cannot see it until you fast forward through the commercials”

— Christopher Earle, Share via Whatsapp

“All life is theatre, he said. We are all actors, you and I, in a play which nobody wrote and which nobody will see. We have no audience but ourselves....”

— Susan Cooper, Silver on the Tree, Share via Whatsapp

“A lifetime had to be crafted, just like anything else, she thought, it had to be moulded and beaten and burnished in order to get the most out of it.”

— Rohinton Mistry, A Fine Balance, Share via Whatsapp