


“In true love, one has no reservations.True love is unquestionable,indisputable and totally recognizable.”

— I. Alan Appt, The Strength in Knowing, Share via Whatsapp

“And God said: Let there be light, and there was light. Lena opened her eyes, feeling as if someone had been reading this verse out loud in the room. She looked around. Another morning dawned, and the sky glowed. Why did God say the word light out loud? Wasn’t it enough for him just to think of light for there to be light? And did he summon the light to one specific place? Or only to some places? Perhaps he summoned the light everywhere. Her eyes followed the sun’s beams that poured through the shutter slats, creating luminous flecks of gold that sparkled against the cabinet across from her. Tiny motes floated in the light and disappeared in the dark. Who did God created the light for?”

— Gala.J, Share via Whatsapp

“The Universe get what you truly desire”

— Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist, Share via Whatsapp

“Thinking is no more or no less than asking questions. To improve your thinking, improve the quality of the questions you ask.”

— Stephanie Mbida, Share via Whatsapp

“There s 7 billion 46 million people on the planet and most of us have the audacity to think we matter.”

— George Watsky, Share via Whatsapp

“When God lays His finger on your heart it cannot help but be filled with love for others; if that doesn t happen there is nothing wrong with God s finger there is something wrong with your heart”

— rassool jibraeel snyman, Share via Whatsapp

“You call me the unhuman, it might say to him, and so I really am—for you; but I am so only because you bring me into opposition to the human, and I could despise myself only so long as I let myself be hypnotized into this opposition. I was contemptible because I sought my better self outside me; I was the unhuman because I dreamed of the human ; I resembled the pious who hunger for their true self and always remain poor sinners ; I thought of myself only in comparison to another; enough, I was not all in all, was not—unique.[102] But now I cease to appear to myself as the unhuman, cease to measure myself and let myself be measured by man, cease to recognize anything above me: consequently—adieu, humane critic! I only have been the unhuman, am it now no longer, but am the unique, yes, to your loathing, the egoistic; yet not the egoistic as it lets itself be measured by the human, humane, and unselfish, but the egoistic as the—unique.”

— Max Stirner, The Ego and Its Own, Share via Whatsapp

“Wandering is never waste, dear boy, he said. While you wander you will find much to wonder about, and wonder is the first step to creation.”

— Pearl S. Buck, The Eternal Wonder, Share via Whatsapp

“Fiecare dintre noi a inteles, probabil, atunci ca nu exista mai tarziu . Ca tot ce nu traim ramane netrait. Eu, oricum, aveam gust de cenusa in gura. A fost prima oara cand am simtit ca orice amanare e o iluzie si o moarte. Ca a tergiversa e o forma de a muri.”

— Octavian Paler, Viața ca o coridă, Share via Whatsapp

“Have you paused to consider that there is no way out? Each way out of one situation necessarily being the way into another situation.”

— Russell Hoban, The Mouse and His Child, Share via Whatsapp

“Would you ask a man who bags groceries if he fears death not because it is death but because there are still some interesting groceries he would like to bag?”

— Don DeLillo, White Noise, Share via Whatsapp

“Sometimes, the best thing you can do is nothing. Catelyn”

— George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords, Share via Whatsapp

“Ability does catches my attention, but its a politeness in the person that I remember.”

— Amit Kalantri, Share via Whatsapp

“I am a rock in a sea of despair and yearning. Take hold of me and together we may form an island of hope and plenty.”

— Christopher Earle, Share via Whatsapp

“When your diary is full and your life is empty, get a date”

— Benny Bellamacina, Philosophical Uplifting Quotes and Poems, Share via Whatsapp

“If you think like others, how can you be sure you re thinking at all?”

— Daniel Delgado F, Share via Whatsapp

“What he saw seemed to be the very idea of a city, barnacled and thick with itself.”

— David Edison, The Waking Engine, Share via Whatsapp