“I took everything as seriously as if I were immortal.”
“We are beings of our own programming or that of others’.”
“What would shadows know about each other?”
“Light gives birth to life.”
“Death is believed to be inauspicious in some foreign lands west to us; to them it signifies the end of everything. But nothing never really dies. No material can ever truly escape the universe. It just changes form. In that sense, death is actually also the beginning of regeneration; the old form dies and a new form is born. If the south is the direction of death, then it is also the direction of regeneration.”
“Trust yourself even when know one else can see your vision or understand your purpose. I believe in myself ”
“How humbling, overwhelming, exciting to realize what an infinite plain the world is, to touch that infinity without boundaries or borders. You cannot help but explore the land from this impossible prospect and wonder...” That if the land is this limitless, we could be, too. Our journeys never end, and that’s distressing as much as a comfort.”
“When a man cannot choose he ceases to be a man.”
“Where does the order came from? Well, that s easy! From the abscence of chaos. Where does the chaos came from? Well, that s easy! From the abscence of order.”
“- Nous sommes comme les glaces, dit Manuel à voix basse. La vie nous fait parfois chavirer et nous change de forme.”
“We, humans, suck at ignoring words.”
“No, and I repeat no human is immune to overthinking over what others say, especially if those others matter.”
“Not everyone gets what they want. Sometimes some wishes are lost in the soul as a regret because that s their fate.”
“Life always departs from the end of a grip, but the pain revolves with every blink.”
“I am like a feather floating in the air, neither driven by a purpose nor bound by an ambition.”
“My heart cannot conceal its love for you. It is still able to miss the memories it no longer remembers, for love needs neither reason nor foundation to exist.”
“It s bigger than a painting, for one thing. It s infinite, in a sense. A sunrise stretches across the whole sky, and behind it is the entire galaxy and the rest of the universe.”