“If you TRY, and you just BELIEVE, you CAN; you WILL.”
“Your thoughts, your words are reflections of who you truly are and who you could become. Be careful what you think of and of what you speak of for these can manifest in your life. So why not throw away all those negativity and just remain open to positivity? - Elizabeth s Quotes”
“I feel like a millionaire on the back of an armored jet-ski my samurai girlfriend who loves me is charging at a cartel speedboat to win a game of chicken. Isn’t this the day’s best part? You don’t even have to remember to enjoy it. It enjoys you into itself.”
“Restrictions and writing shouldn t mix. Let your mind be open. Let it be a creative canvas.”
“You can dance in the rain or sulk in the rain. It will rain regardless.”
“For me, and for so many of us, creativity is a direct springboard to much that is positive in life. It is the catalyst to becoming energetic, vibrant, joyful, generous individuals and contributors to society.”
“Fears and doubts lead to scarcity. Positivity and bliss lead to abundance.”
“The human mind is an open-source network of many complex softwares working together; anyone can malfunction it if our logic filters are clogged.”
“The human mind is an open-source network of many complex softwares working together.”
“Machines can be powerful; they can be intelligent too, but only humans can be spiritual.”
“Negative people hate other humans being positive and will always try to attack them.”
“A lot of people are able to turn their grief into something positive. Maybe you’re destined for some kind of job in law enforcement.”
“A lamp has its own significance and Sun has its own. Both cannot replace each other when most needed. All are unique in their own way.”
“I know how bad these days are – when so many around you are falling sick due to second wave of corona & when you are unable to help your friends. People are complaining that beds are not available in hospitals, they do not have sufficient ventilators & oxygen. Corona medicine is not easily available. This is really upsetting. In such a grieving & heart-rending environment, it is next to impossible to continue with a positive spirit. For me, promoting certainty, buoyancy & hopefulness seem next to impossible these days. I would like to acknowledge your pain, ill feelings, irritation & remind you that you have every right to feel sad or angry in this situation, but things will get better, I promise! Through this post, I am just trying to send you some love, positivity & happy vibes to make things look less difficult, upsetting & overwhelming to you, to reduce your anguish & brighten your day. Always remember – keeping your attitude positive is one of the most important things you can do to keep moving forward in such adverse times. I would like to end this post with a simple but powerful & timeless thought that comforted & encouraged me & whole lot of world to continue on when things looked so bleak. It is always darkest before the dawn. Don’t give up, you will find a way. In the mean time, I am praying God to comfort you in your suffering, support you, uplift your spirit & bless the means used for your cure & alleviation. Let God bless you & your loved ones with good health & long life.”
“Someday you will meet someone so pure that he/she will solve all your mess. Someday you will meet someone so fierce that he/she will dissolve all your insecurities. Someday you will love someone so purely and intensely that you won’t even need him/her for completing your love!♥️”
“Speak positivity over your life and see positive results coming your way!”
“Sure being positive and nice to everyone all the time is great… But have you ever dropped a good, Go f**k yourself! on someone you didn t like? That shit will make the sun rise.”