“Di dalam dunia di mana dusta merajalela, menulis cerita-cerita cabul adalah sebuah tindakan revolusioner!”
“In the face of mass atrocities, we stand in mass indifference rationalized by logic that sees us through the day.”
“Već smo posetili 6-7 institucija, prepešačili milje kroz sneg, praznih stomaka, išli utihnulim ulicama gde su se retko mogli videti prolaznici kako vuku noge, neki noseći džakove, drugi halapljivo proždirući slabašan obrok iz masnih činija. Kroz samo par sati smo naučili više o revoluciji nego što smo to mogli kroz duge razgovore i razmišljanja. Realnost nam se javljala u drugačijim aspektima od onih koje nam je u svest prizivala mašta, oblikovana legendom i istorijom, a istorija ni sama nije daleko od legende. Nekada smo sanjarili o trgovima preobraćenim u užarene govornice, o vatrenim debatama po klubovima kao 1792, o cvetanju slobodne štampe, gde svaki list nudi svoje rešenje, svoj sistem, svoje fantazije. Mislili smo na velike dane Sovjeta, na kongrese. U sveprisutnom jeziku, u sloganima izlepljenim svuda, u samo dva štampana lista, među ljudima, nalazili smo ogromnu uniformnost jednog načina mišljenja, mišljenja koje je skoro despotski vladalo. Međutim, ono je bilo prihvaćeno i nadmoćno, užasno istinito i otelovljeno u svakom tenutku kroz dela ljudi. Nismo otkrili mase u zanosu kako marširaju pod zastavama u nove svakodnevne borbe kroz tragičnu i plodonosnu konfuziju, već neku vrstu ogromne administracije, armiju, mašinu. Tu su se najvreliji zanosi i najbistriji uvidi sjedinjavali u hladnu odlučnost i taj aparat je izvršavao svoje zadatke bez zastoja.”
“Revolution comes, within two ways, a way of wisdom, or the way of the sword. The first, one is the change of mind, character, and moral towards fairness and justice regardless of any discrimination, destruction, and harm to society and its people while the second, one is only the change of leadership, system, and rules with a few power-mongers, who even practice with the bloodshed of the innocent people. Revolution by wisdom is evergreen and fruitful, and by the sword is just for a season and disappears sooner or later.”
“I had thought the Christmas Rebellion an act of treason; now I saw that for those in bondage, violence was the only choice.”
“Mi Rusi smo se držali zahvaljujući solidarnosti. Fond za hitne slučajeve nam je kupio taman dovoljno dodatnih namirnica da se održi plamen života i među onima od nas sa najmanje sreće, makar i kao ugarak. Nismo dozvolili da bilo ko od naših završi u Mrtvačnici dok su ostali izbacivali bolesnike iz svojih soba čim bi dobili šansu. Legali smo u krevete, jedan za drugim, škljocali zubima, dok su oporavljeni ili oni pošteđeni pazili na bolesne. Nastavili smo da se borimo, da razmišljamo. Drugu umotanom u posteljinu kome je glava gorela na jastuku prekrivena starom krpom za sudove, donosili smo vesti dana – dopise sa fronta: „džep” kod Chateau-Thierry-a, poslednji veliki pokušaj proboja Centralnih sila ka Parizu; dopise iz Rusije: teror, podvizi Čehoslovaka, „varvarizam Kineza i letonskih pretorijanaca iz garde Narodnih komesara”, negiranje glasina o ubistvu Trockog, Lenjinov oporavak, nacionalizacija teške industruje – I bolesni čovek bi se nasmejao, promislio stvari, poželeo da raspravlja, a to bi označilo pobedu života u njemu.”
“Rise In Revolution Church As You Bow Before The King Of Kings In Your Weakness Watching His Glory Flow Through You In His Power And Might.”
“You want revolution? Then dismantle all indifference and stand up - stand up and do not move - do not move from your conviction of justice - do not move from your conviction of equality - do not move from your conviction of humanity - do not move an inch - even if all the artilleries in the world are charged against you - do not move and do not harm - just stand - keep standing - keep standing like a pillar of insanity - an insanity for sanctity - an insanity for serenity - an insanity for unity - let them break every single bone in your body - let all the blood in your veins pour out - let every trace of life seep out of your wounds - but still do not move - till there is a single kernel of life left in you. This is what revolution looks like - this is what civilized revolution looks like - no guns, no bombs, not even a baton, just a whole lot of determination, that even the mighty gods cannot deter - a revolution that turns an animal world into a human world - a revolution that turns a jungle into a modern society – a revolution that turns distance into unity.”
“The revolutionary is the revolution.”
“One dream can deliver our planet from darkness to dawn, the question is, can you persevere past your breaking point for that dream!”
“Revolution is necessary for Evolution.......sometimes.”
“When one Naskar dies, a thousand Naskars will rise.”
“I am not here to calm your nerves, I am here to set your veins on fire.”
“There are two ways of rejecting the revolution. The first is to refuse to see it where it exists; the second is to see it where it manifestly will not occur.”
“A movement is always made up of individuals, and it s the cumulative effort to these individuals that creates change.”
“Dare to be a radical, but make sure it s for the right reason, for it takes very little for a reformer to turn into a terrorist.”
“This is a revolution -- a revolution that won t fire a SHOT! We come to love the HELL out of the state of Alabama! -John Lewis”