“My spirit is stronger.”
“Biological instincts are the key to understanding how every single human being is wired. The marvelous interplay of various brain circuits creates our instinctual reality of the daily life. If you’re conscious about the fact that there lies a complex yet vividly beautiful brain circuit mechanism behind every single impulse of your daily emotions, then you can choose how to react upon each of those impulses. You can thus program your behavioral response in a certain situation.”
“Self worth is not measured by what you have, no matter how full your life is. Rather, it comes from what you are, how authentically you re really living your life, and how much you are willing to give to something other than your own insecurities.”
“She believes that everyone we meet influences us, that we need to hear their stories to learn more about ourselves.”
“Possibly the apparent relapse they had suffered was not a fall and a cause for suffering, but a leap forward and a positive act.”
“Fly free spirits fly, for if you reach heaven before me, then at least I know to this world I have more love to apply. ~ Roy Hale”
“Everyone had learned that it was worth giving up privacy for the merest possibility of fame, and the idea that only a private self was truly autonomous and free had be lost in the static of the airwaves.”
“This was what Dennis had been doing lately: granting everyone permission to feel the way they were going to feel regardless. It was the books. Dennis’s relationship to his own feelings had become tender, curatorial. Dismantling. Entomological. Mave couldn’t be like that. She treated her emotional life the way she treated her car: She let it go, let it tough it out. To friends she said things like “I know you’re thinking this looks like a ’79, but it’s really an ’87.” She finally didn’t care to understand all that much about her emotional life; she just went ahead and did it. The point, she thought, was to attend the meager theater of it, quietly, and not stand up in the middle and shout, “Oh, my God, you can see the crew backstage!” There was a point at which the study of something became a frightening and naive thing.”
“-Mie ar trebui să îmi fie rușine, îl informă el pe un porumbel cocoțat pe marginea ferestrei. Stau aici, făcând ceea ce critic, cu gândurile Dumnezeu știe unde, trăind prea mult în imaginație.”
“I used to be mad when they called me crazy, until I realized that in those moment they consider me insane I was following my heart, doing what makes me happy and most of all being myself.so now when I am called crazy I take it as a great compliment because it s a confirmation that I m living my best life.”
“There is a rose in every heart. Enlightenment is recognizing that rose.”
“Self-acceptance should not be confused with an over-vaulting aggrandisement of self over others. That individual s exaggerated positive view of self relies upon a comparison with others - they sustain their own positive self-view, relatively, by maintaining a negative view of others.”
“Do not seek to control other souls. Seek to know your sacred soul”
“Do you know yourself?.”
“You create wealth by what you give.”
“If you are loved, that is all you need.”
“Be careful which spirit you allow to dwell in your body. It is better to allow good spirit.”