

soul searching

“Love is like the air, water, and everything else, the tangible, the intangible, and the inexplicable.”

— Cecilia Spencer, The Soul, Share via Whatsapp

“If someone or something is not undoubtedly feeding your soul, put down the plate and bowl!”

— Christine Szymanski, Share via Whatsapp

“A sacred wandering is a wilderness journey. You can find yourself in the midst of life transitions. Major upheavals. A career change. Soul searching. Infertility. Relocation. Illness. Depression. Divorce. Loss of a loved one. Unemployment. Returning to school. The empty nest.”

— Dana Arcuri, Sacred Wandering: Growing Your Faith In The Dark, Share via Whatsapp

“A soul on fire brought nothing good, but only misery and pain for the bearer”

— Cecilia Spencer, The Soul, Share via Whatsapp

“Heart Rings What stories would our bones tell if they had rings like trees? circles marking the times when you felt loved when you were in love when you grieved when you did something that required every last ounce of your courage when you were full of faith — That is how our hearts work a lone, rhythmic documentarian chronicling your life in the shadow of your flesh mysterious even to its owner And someday we might learn that it was drawing a map for the soul to navigate the real final frontier”

— Connor Judson Garrett, Become The Fool, Share via Whatsapp

“Wounded souls feel the deepest feelings, Understand the greatest sorrows, And their life is a testimony to hope.”

— Mimi Novic, Essence Of Being, Share via Whatsapp

“If you sell your soul to get ahead it will cost more than you bargained for. When you earn your success and never take something for nothing, no one can lay claim to what’s rightfully yours. My biggest investors (parents & grandparents), now deceased, ask nothing of me. They are the only ones I owe for a debt I can never repay; but its the only kind that will ever be worth carrying.”

— Carlos Wallace, Life Is Not Complicated-You Are: Turning Your Biggest Disappointments Into Your Greatest Blessings, Share via Whatsapp

“Wake up! get rid of the shackles and bondage of your own self remove the clutter from your life and be free as you were born free do NOT burden your SOUL for it s time to break-free.”

— Syed Sharukh, Share via Whatsapp

“Be quiet, Let your Existence speak for it reaches the core of Soul.”

— Syed Sharukh, Share via Whatsapp

“Dear Soul you are grand beyond your scope of imagination and you should hold your head high oh you don t know what you re done what you would call it sacrifice which we call appropriateness.”

— Syed Sharukh, Share via Whatsapp

“Some people arrive only when we reach a crossroads within ourselves, when decisions have to be made, when change is inevitable, but we lack the courage to embrace it. They touch a part of us so deeply that it changes the entire direction of our life, and that exhilarating feeling of love we feel with them, is enough to guide us and give us the strength to take the right road, even if it’s on our own.”

— Mimi Novic, Your Light Is The Key, Share via Whatsapp

“Serenity is not the conclusion of a soul journey, it is the acceptance of being on a soul journey.”

— Lorraine Nilon, Your Insight and Awareness Book: Your life is an expedition to discover the truth of yourself, Share via Whatsapp

“We can be walking around in this world, with bits and pieces of our souls scattered in different time loops and space cracks. You feel like you are always looking for yourself, because you actually are always looking for yourself! You re always looking for those bits and pieces of you. You ve got to sit down and remember where you left them at. You ve got to quiet the noise and go back to those loops in time and cracks in space that you forgot about and you need to understand yourself in those moments, and embrace yourself. And maybe even embrace those who were around you, with you. That s how you get those pieces back, that s how you sew them back into you.”

— C. JoyBell C., Share via Whatsapp

“Your soul will find me.. and when it does, I will make love to it in a way that no one will understand.”

— Carlos Medina, Share via Whatsapp

“Sometimes all we need to soothe our soul and ease our burdens is the loving hand of a friend gently touching our heart and lifting us towards love”

— Mimi Novic, Share via Whatsapp

“Those who do soul work, who want the searing truth more than solace or applause, know each other right away. Those who want something else turn and take a seat in another room. Soul-makers find each other s company.”

— Rumi, Share via Whatsapp

“It is not possible for others to keep us prisoners if we want to be free”

— Mimi Novic, Share via Whatsapp