“Spiritualism is not related to the spirit of your God, it is related to the spirit of your soul”
“Spiritual growth requires the knowledge of Scriptures.”
“When you pray in the Spirit, the dynamic you are looking for isn’t exactly to speak in tongues yeah, what you really should be after is a connection; to align with; to touch top and base; to plug into the will and presence of God and in turn receive the deep current of the spirit flowing through you. When this happens, know that the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and how you pray, whether in unknown tongues (Acts 2:4), words (Ezekiel 37:1-14) or even in a silence that’s filled with tears (1 Samuel 1:13-15) - is ultimately led by the Spirit.”
“Do not rely on the outer world as your measuring stick for your own spiritual growth. Rely on your response to the outer world to determine how much you have grown.”
“One of the most painful stages in the twin flame relationship is that of the “runner and chaser” dynamic. After the initial stages of ecstatic union and fairy-tale partnership, things start to heat up. Egos begin to clash, core wounds, insecurities, and traumas are rubbed raw, and shadow selves lash out. As a result, it’s inevitable that almost every twin flame relationship will battle through drama and dysfunction at first.”