


“Knowing the death as life is, and Known dying in every moment as bliss, then death doesn t exist anymore.”

— Harsh Ranga Neo, Share via Whatsapp

“I even spent a certain amount of time worrying about the Spiritualist doctrines: If The Other Side was so wonderful, why did the spirits devote most of their messages to warnings? Instead of telling their loved ones to avoid slippery stairs and unsafe cars and starchy foods, they should have been luring them over cliffs and bridges and into lakes, spurring them on to greater feats of intemperance and gluttony, in order to hasten their passage to the brighter shore.”

— Margaret Atwood, Lady Oracle, Share via Whatsapp

“Del corpo ne abbiamo fatto un ossessione, ma il corpo non siamo noi.”

— Tiziano Terzani, La fine è il mio inizio, Share via Whatsapp

“But if there are spirits, I do not see why they are not everywhere, or may not be presumed to be so. You could argue that their voices may well be muffled by solid brick walls and thick plush furnishings and house-proud antimacassars. But the mahogany-polishers and the drapers clerks are as much in need of salvation - as much desirous of assurance of a afterlife - as poets or peasants, in the last resort.”

— A.S. Byatt, Possession, Share via Whatsapp

“Know anything from it s root and it will perish itself into nonexistence of nothingness.”

— Harsh Ranga Neo, Share via Whatsapp

“One is everywhere and in everything if awaken to cosmic realisation of truth of oneness But one isn t here, anywhere or in anything. To know and experience Truth. One must be lost completely in whatever one does and be whatever what is. Desirelessness take you beyond the infinite consciousness and dissolve one into Cosmic oneness to liberation. Anyone can know from books, text and words of other, nothing is truth until it come from within you. One must die to attain the Truth and be free from the illusion of separation into Cosmic oneness. Don t let demon take control over your mind, because it s his habit of playing with mind. Losses are always known, found, and realised after the storm has been passed. Learn from your anger and mistakes rather than crying over the destruction you caused. If you are Wise, Mistakes will be your Greatest Teacher, if foolish it will be your greatest defeat. But the foolish who will learn from defeat will even achieve more. Learn from your mistakes and put them in use before Life does. Universe have a bad habit of repeating worse situations for same mistakes to one who doesn t realise and learn from it. Be Grateful for the lessons you learned from your mistakes. It s has helped your consciousness grow and evolve. You can t control everything, everything is in control. By controlling Nothing, you are in complete control.”

— Harsh Ranga Neo, Share via Whatsapp

“When you are in alignment, everything happens with the speed of Angels Wings”

— Terrie Marie, Sacred Angel Realms: A Pocket Guide Into Nine Angelic Hiearchies, Share via Whatsapp

“Change is supposedly the only constant But somehow the only change is constantly in the same pockets”

— Andrew Edward Lucier, Awakenigma Allegory Anomalous, Share via Whatsapp

“Keajaiban hanya bisa difahami oleh mereka yang memiliki sistem makna. Seperti nubuat yang terpenuhi.”

— Ayu Utami, Simple Miracles: Doa dan Arwah, Share via Whatsapp

“आदेश आदेश !!! विषय विकारो से मुक्ति के लिए लगातार प्रयास किया जाना चाहिए ..ताकी योगमार्ग प्रशस्त हो...”

— Yogi Vinod Nath, Share via Whatsapp

“योग हमें प्रेम का सार सिखाता है, यदि कोई भी मार्ग कट्टर होना सिखाता है, तो उसे छोड़ दें....”

— Yogi Vinod Nath, Share via Whatsapp

“The attributes of LOVE are easy to talk about harder to put into practice”

— Syed Sharukh, Share via Whatsapp

“Spirituality should only be called spirituality, when it does not come in between you and your fellow human being. Spirituality is only spirituality, when it creates genuine connections between you and your fellow human being. We have observed, since time immemorial, how spirituality has become a wall that is built in between person and other persons; bringing out segregation, distance and disconnection. When it is this, it is not spirituality, there is nothing spiritual about it. It is but a tool of the ego. Show me a person who can connect to a drunken man on the street, just as profoundly as he can connect to his chosen spiritual leaders, and I will point out to you a spiritual person. The purpose of spirituality is connection; not disconnection. Connection between mind and soul; then connection between yours and others minds and souls. The most spiritual, highest state of the human being is the state of the small child: there is no knowledge of dissonance, no knowledge of separation. All is connected, all is there because it is so. There is pure joy in an ice cream cone. The small child is far more spiritual than your enlightened teachers. Climbing a mountain, whether metaphorical or physical, in order to segregate oneself into spirituality , is not spirituality at all. If you must hide the candle flame from the darkness, then it is not really a candle flame, is it? If it disconnects you from another person, especially a person whom you love, then it is not spirituality; it is ego. True spirituality does not need numbers, does not need followers, does not feel the need to persuade. True spirituality acknowledges that you may do as you do and I may do as I do and our opinions of spirit and soul ought to be the very last thing that could ever come in between us. If it brings you together and lights the wicks within your souls, it is spirituality. If it brings you together even when there is nothing in common, it is spirituality. An ice cream cone, in its simple ability to fill everyone s heart with innocent joy, is true spirituality. Not your church. Not your doctrine. If it brings you back to the state of heart, of the small child, it is spirituality.”

— C. JoyBell C., Share via Whatsapp

“Spiritualisme kritis adalah penghargaan pada yang spiritual tanpa mengkhianati nalar kritis.”

— Ayu Utami, Simple Miracles: Doa dan Arwah, Share via Whatsapp