


“This much I know already: When Tommy and the Big Brains, in whispered, wry asides, talk about Project 88715, they call it something else. They call it the Adam Project.”

— Michael Grant, Eve & Adam, Share via Whatsapp

“The man immediately grabs the woman and pulls her inside of the building. The front door slams shut, the noise echoes along the front of the houses opposite.”

— M.F. Kelleher, Olivia Streete and the Montgomery Contract, Share via Whatsapp

“His body takes the impact of the young woman’s momentum and he groans as her weight lands against his stomach. They fall together, towards the table, she lands first and swivels to avoid Jean Luc’s hands as they reach out.”

— M.F. Kelleher, Olivia Streete and the Montgomery Contract, Share via Whatsapp

“The fine fall of water drifts across the Rue de Verneuil where the restaurant sits, half way down. She should go back to her bed, she thinks, but instead the rebel inside makes her walk to the Seine.”

— M.F. Kelleher, Olivia Streete and the Montgomery Contract, Share via Whatsapp

“The traffic is heavy, the air is light; the sunshine dances off the vehicles as they flash by. Vast glass doors slide effortlessly open at her approach, and close behind her. Immediately the street noise has gone. Olivia is left in a vast marble room, at a distant desk sits a single woman; smart, efficient, and smiling.”

— M.F. Kelleher, Olivia Streete and the Montgomery Contract, Share via Whatsapp

“Amber shocks of wheat stretch into the distance and a single dirt track cuts its way through the fields. The air is still. The dust from her journey remains floating across the crops, a memory of a previous event.”

— M.F. Kelleher, Olivia Streete and the Montgomery Contract, Share via Whatsapp

“I looked at him anew, with an understanding I never had before and with awe for the magnitude of such a mind. In a flash I understood the cocaine, his moods, and his genius. Remarkable Power of Stimulus, due out Nov. 2020.”

— Gretchen Altabef, Sherlock Holmes These Scattered Houses, Share via Whatsapp

“See, there’s this little relationship we have with the drug lords—the legal drug lords. If we play cool with them, they play cool with us. And sometimes we get some nice toys.”

— Diana Stevan, The Rubber Fence, Share via Whatsapp

“A path less traveled is best done in twos.”

— R.W. Richard, A More Perfect Union, Share via Whatsapp

“A Face on the Flag is a tribute to veterans and the friendships they carry through life. Vets young and old will find someone they know in A Face on the Flag.”

— Kevin Horgan, A Face on the Flag, Share via Whatsapp

“Life experience had taught him that it’s not always the people you think will be there for you in crisis, that actually are. Usually it’s the unexpected ones that reach out to show a loving arm ~ Mr. Lemon”

— Taryn Leigh, The Secret Letters, Share via Whatsapp

“Change must come. Love was supposed to develop from blissful oblivion to security. A deep rooted knowledge that when you saw past the bliss, and you were faced with reality, that you still chose each other.”

— Taryn Leigh, The Secret Letters, Share via Whatsapp

“I will rise. I will rise. I will rise. It had a different meaning now.”

— Ronie Kendig, Soul Raging, Share via Whatsapp

“That s your currency, isn t it? Souls. You have plenty right here. I won t give you mine.”

— Ronie Kendig, Soul Raging, Share via Whatsapp

“What was left? A man he didn t know.”

— Ronie Kendig, Soul Raging, Share via Whatsapp

“Something dark inside of him vied for dominance.”

— Ronie Kendig, Soul Raging, Share via Whatsapp

“He didn t want to face that monster, to become one who hunted and killed.”

— Ronie Kendig, Soul Raging, Share via Whatsapp