“We find the truth only when are searching for it. Sometimes the truth may be right in front of our eyes, but we may not see it because that s not what we are seeking for.”
“The worst thing about a person, in your eyes, might be the best thing about that person for them in their own lives. Their rebellion might be what kept them alive; their difficult personality might be what gave them an advantage in an oppressive family; a person s cynicism may be what kept them out of the hands of predators. We see the worst things because we don t live other people s lives. What we think is their worst, might have been their best; saving their own lives over and over again. And what s important to a life is to keep on living.”
“Useful thoughts and impactful insights are never found inside a neat and tidy mind. The factory of wisdom is in constant dissarray, bustling, refurbishing itself, contracting, expanding and falling in and out of freeform. This is the mind that produces anything worthwhile! It is not within the pleasant and undisturbed minds where you will find what you can use to change this world with.”
“If you are thinking... you are dreaming.”
“The pain and suffering of this life leads us to enlightenment.”
“Gaining knowledge may be difficult, retaining it even more, and using it at the right time for the right purpose calls for wisdom.”
“Clear blue skies are always above our heads.”
“If we only knew our real Self, we would be truly ashamed of what we do and allow.”
“Medicine comes in all shapes, colours, and experiences.”
“We all need to realize we re all on the same team.”
“We must teach our young that racism is the ultimate curse against humanity!”
“Innate wisdom is found just under the skin.”
“The chaos that conceals your path today, will document your journey tomorrow.”
“To get up, just the body is not enough.”