


“In a moment, when I throw myself down among the absinthe plants to bring their scent into my body, I shall know, appearances to the contrary, that I am fulfilling a truth which is the sun s and which will also be my death s. In a sense, it is indeed my life that I am staking here, a life that tastes of warm stone, that is full of the signs of the sea and the rising song of the crickets. The breeze is cool and the sky blue. I love this life with abandon and wish to speak of it boldly: it makes me proud of my human condition. Yet people have often told me: there s nothing to be proud of. Yes, there is: this sun, this sea, my heart leaping with youth, the salt taste of my body and this vast landscape in which tenderness and glory merge in blue and yellow. It is to conquer this that I need my strength and my resources. Everything here leaves me intact, I surrender nothing of myself, and don no mask: learning patiently and arduously how to live is enough for me, well worth all their arts of living.”

— Albert Camus, Share via Whatsapp

“You are young. So you know everything. You leap into the boat and begin rowing. But, listen to me. Without fanfare, without embarrassment, without doubt,I talk directly to your soul. Listen to me.”

— Mary Oliver, West Wind, Share via Whatsapp

“I just wanted things to be simple. I didn t understand why things had to be so complicated for all the grown ups. And I decided that if growing up meant things got confusing, then I would stay little forever. I would stay simple. But unfortunately everything around me did its best not to be. The world liked to be complex. It liked to twist, to distort. To bleed you dry of whatever feeling you could muster while still letting you hold on to your sanity so that you could experience heartache at its prime. I didn t know how cold the world could be when I was eleven. If I would have known...maybe I would have packed a sweater.”

— A.L. Collins, Twined, Share via Whatsapp

“Something must be radically wrong with a culture and a civilisation when its youth begins to desert it. Youth is the natural time for revolt, for experiment, for a generous idealism that is eager for action. Any civilisation which has the wisdom of self-preservation will allow a certain margin of freedom for the expression of this youthful mood. But the plain, unpalatable fact is that in America today that margin of freedom has been reduced to the vanishing point. Rebellious youth is not wanted here. In our environment there is nothing to challenge our young men; there is no flexibility, no colour, no possibility for adventure, no chance to shape events more generously than is permitted under the rules of highly organised looting. All our institutional life combines for the common purpose of blackjacking our youth into the acceptance of the status quo; and not acceptance of it merely, but rather its glorification.”

— Harold Edmund Stearns, America And The Young Intellectual, Share via Whatsapp

“Only LEFT and RIGHT hand can hold each other and walk together...Only RIGHTs are enough to say bye. Nobody is perfect in the world, if you Love the perfection of his/her imperfections then LOVE exists.”

— Anuj Tiwari, Journey Of Two Hearts! -will be cherished forever, Share via Whatsapp

“When you re young, you think it s going to be solved by love. But it never is. Being close-as close as you can get-to another person only makes it clear the impassable distance between you.”

— Nicole Krauss, Man Walks into a Room, Share via Whatsapp

“The wide world was changing, and she wanted a different place in it. Not just wanted, but felt she deserved. If the world didn t owe her a living, as her mother repeatedly warned her, it owed her a break. She had a strong sense that a better, more exciting, more rewarding life than that which had been the lot of her parents and grandparents was hers by right. In this she was guilty of nothing more serious than the arrogance of youth, from which every generation suffers and by which it distinguishes itself from the preceding one.”

— James Robertson, And the Land Lay Still, Share via Whatsapp

“My message for all my readers is: Don t believe in those who claim that youth is a passing disease you just have to get rid of. Don t believe, that maturity is a goal and an asset to go after. Nothing will ever be ready, that is what makes life interesting. Read!”

— Tuula Kallioniemi, Share via Whatsapp

“Just as a cooling pot gives off heat, so all through youth and adolescence we give off calories of virtue. That s what s called ingenuousness.”

— F. Scott Fitzgerald, This Side of Paradise, Share via Whatsapp

“Due to some dim but irresistible notion of the way things are, it is simply not possible, out of order, not apprpriate to the situation at hand, if, within the circle of those who are experienced and advanced in years, the young person declaims ethical generalities. Young people will again and again find themselves in a situation that is so irritating, astounding, and incomprehensible to them that their word falls on deaf ears, while the word of an older person is heard and has weight even though its content is no different at all. It will be a sign of maturity or immaturity whether this experience leads them to understand that what is at stake here is not the stubborn self-satisfaction of old age, or the anxious effort to keep youth in their place, but the pereservation or violation of an essential ethical law. Ethical discourse needs authorization, which youth are simply not able to bestow upon themselves, even if they speak out of the purest pathos of their ethical conviction. Ethical discourse does not merely depend on the correct content of what is said, but also on the speaker being authorized to say it. Its validity depends not only on what is said, but also on who says it.”

— Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Ethics, Share via Whatsapp

“If I did not believe in life, if I were to lose faith in the woman I love, if I were to lose faith in the order of things, even if I were to become convinced, on the contrary, that everything is a disorderly, damned, and perhaps devilish chaos, if I were struck even by all the horrors of human disillusionment-still I would want to live, and as long as I have bent to this cup, I will not tear myself from it until I ve drunk it all!”

— Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Brothers Karamazov, Share via Whatsapp

“The challenge to which these two groups responded was the interdependence of human kind, North and South, Rich and Pool, Industrialised and Rural, in the aftermath of the Second World War. To the United World College group it called for the establishment of a new kind of school where young people of all nations and backgrounds could live and learn together at the most formative period of their adolescence and so form those ties of friendship and understanding that would last them through their lives”

— Prince Charles HRH the Prince of Wales, Share via Whatsapp

“I was so tired of this ceaseless, day-to-day tug-of-war between my hormones and my head, my vanity and my virtue. I felt very much as though I were caught in the middle of some dreadful battle in which taking a side of my own would mean certain misery in either case.”

— Emily Tomko, Share via Whatsapp

“Early youth is a baffling time. The present moment is nice but it does not last. Living in it is like waiting in a junction town for the morning limited; the junction may be interesting but some day you will have to leave it and you do not know where the limited will take you. Sooner or later you must move down an unknown road that leads beyond the range of the imagination, and the only certainty is that the trip has to be made. In this respect early youth is exactly like old age; it is a time of waiting before a big trip to an unknown destination. The chief difference is that youth waits for the morning limited and age waits for the night train.”

— Bruce Catton, Waiting for the Morning Train, Share via Whatsapp

“She is too absorbed in the difficulties of being seventeen to want to hear the confusions of forty-four.”

— Barbara Kingsolver, Homeland and Other Stories, Share via Whatsapp

“I had no idea how free we were. That s how free I was.”

— Brendan Cowell, How It Feels, Share via Whatsapp

“ was another year or two before I discovered that drat and draft were different words. During that same period I remember believing that details were dentals and that a bitch was an extremely tall woman. A son of a bitch was apt to be a basketball player. When you re six, most of your Bingo balls are still floating around in the draw-tank (27-8).”

— Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft, Share via Whatsapp