“Christ is the Changer.”
“A scholar attracts by his knowledge, a wealthy man by riches, a handsome man by beauty, an artist by his skill. Only love attracts all human beings. The attraction of love is unlimited. And educated and uneducated, rich or poor, skilled or unskilled, beautiful or ugly, healthy or sick, and young or old—all want to be loved. Christ spread his love on everyone, and lovingly drew all to himself. With his great love he encompassed even the dead, long decomposed and forgotten by men.”
“Christ conduct is compassion”
“Christ is more compassionate than any christian.”
“Whoever is a friend of Christ, possess a divine companion.”
“Christ is my sacred companion.”
“Come to Christ, while there is still time, Now.”
“Every good soldier of Christ has endured suffering in the land of affliction.”
“More men fail through lack of purpose than lack of talent.”
“Be of good cheer, you are an overcomer in Christ.”
“It is, indeed, in accordance with the nature of the invisible God that He should be thus known through His works; and those who doubt the Lord s resurrection because they do not now behold Him with their eyes, might as well deny the very laws of nature. They have ground for disbelief when works are lacking; but when the works cry out and prove the fact so clearly, why do they deliberately deny the risen life so manifestly shown? Even if their mental faculties are defective, surely their eyes can give them irrefragable proof of the power and Godhead of Christ. A blind man cannot see the sun, but he knows that it is above the earth from the warmth which it affords; similarly, let those who are still in the blindness of unbelief recognize the Godhead of Christ and the resurrection which He has brought about through His manifested power in others.”
“The idea of Christ s voluntary sacrifice of His own life. His presupposition was something like, I m going to act as if God is good, and I m going to play that outright to the end. That becomes something like a divine pattern.”
“There is always calm in Christ. No matter where it is that you go or what it is that you do. He will be glorified. He will watch over you. His will shall be done. In Him, there is peace.”
“Compassion of Christ compel mankind to come to Him.”
“Carry your cross daily, follow Christ.”
“Let your conduct be like the character of Christ.”
“Practice resurrection,” a phrase I got from Wendell Berry, strikes just the right note. We live our lives in the practice of what we do not originate and cannot anticipate. When we practice resurrection, we continuously enter into what is more than we are. When we practice resurrection, we keep company with Jesus, alive and present, who knows where we are going better than we do, which is always “from glory unto glory.”