“The germ containing an inverted reflection of contemporary art and Christianity is discernible in the historical conflation of the good and the beautiful. Though it is nowadays evident that what is good is not always beautiful and vice versa—a distinction perhaps best illustrated in Christian art by the contrast between depictions of Christ, scourged and gruesome, with depictions of Lucifer, radiant and alluring—the notion still lingers. Even nowadays, it is tempting when faced with such contrasting images to revert: to instinctually reimagine Christ in shining brilliance and Lucifer in gory horror. But this stems from a fundamentally pagan impulse: to search for Christ in the guise of a hastily baptized Apollo is to bend to the charm of the very contradiction which Christianity itself reconciles.”
“Remember three things. First, Christ took upon His own head the sins of those who have wronged us. Second, because of this, He stands between us and those whom we think have wronged us, asking us to realize that the Atonement is sufficient for those sins and to therefore repent of our grudges and give up our enmity. And finally, if we forgive, the Atonement fills us with what we have lacked and either washes away our pain, or sustains us in it.”
“There is nothing wrong about Christianity or religion, but there is something wrong with most of the people who lead or follow Christianity. Some manipulate others into thinking, if they don’t do what they say. Then they are not Christian enough or believers. Bible said you must test the spirit. Not all church leaders or followers represent Christ. Some represent themselves. They are not doing it for God, but are doing it for themselves. Jer 14:14 1 John 4:1 1 Thes 5:21”
“Christ was of course not the slightest bit envious. His perspective was to take care of the poor not out of hatred for the rich, but out of love for the poor; and though we try to imitate His teachings, due to our corrupt and sinful nature, oftentimes, this obvious fact is still so easily neglected.”
“Adam betrayed God. Pierre betrayed the god man. (Adam a trahi Dieu. Pierre a trahi l homme dieu)”
“Christ is the cause of change.”
“God has humorous moments with you, yet they are never at your displeasure. (08/25/2019)”
“We can count on Christ to gives us strength to endure every circumstance.”
“So there were Christians before Christ. For that we should be grateful. The unfortunate thing is that there have been none since. I make one exception, St. Francis of Assisi.”
“Indeed, that is the charm about Christ, when all is said: he is just like a work of art. He does not really teach one anything, but by being brought into his presence one becomes something. And everybody is predestined to his presence. Once at least in his life each man walks with Christ to Emmaus.”
“Come to Christ.”
“Our blessed Lord was hopeful about humanity. He always saw men the way He originally designed them. He saw through the surface, grime, and dirt to the real man underneath. He never identified a person with sin. He saw sin as something alien and foreign which did not belong to man. Sin had mastered man but he could be freed from it to be his real self. Just as every mother sees her own image and likeness on her child’s face, so God always saw the divine image and likeness beneath us.”
“Our blessed Lord was hopeful about humanity. He always saw men the way He originally designed them. He saw through the surface, grime, and dirt to the real man underneath. He never identified a person with sin. He saw sin as something alien and foreign which did not belong to man. Sin had mastered man but he could be freed from it to be his real self. Just as every mother sees her own image and likeness on her child’s face, so God always saw the divine image and likeness beneath us.”
“Conviction leads to change in conduct.”
“At the heart of it, preaching is the telling and retelling of Christ s story and our stories from creation to parousia. It is the remembering of the stories with a special kind of remembrance of which the Bible speaks (Old Testament zakar, New Testament anamnesis), a remembrance that does not merely call to mind the thing remembered, but that makes it real, present, potent, and demanding here and now.”
“If you want to feel the spirit of Christmas, do what Christ did...love.”
“The truth about truth is that it cannot be taught or explained. Truth is that which is experienced by those it chooses to reveal itself to. One cannot learn of what is truth but one can ultimately become one with truth and live in truth.”