


“There are many ways of being clever, but only one way of being wise.”

— Neel Burton, Share via Whatsapp

“We must know who we are and where we are.”

— Donna Goddard, Circles of Separation, Share via Whatsapp

“... and I have my mind...and a mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge. Tyrion tapped the leather cover of the book. That s why I read so much, Jon Snow.”

— George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones, Share via Whatsapp

“Beauty is all very well. But it is merely the gleam of the sword, the chief eunuch said. It is the mind that provides the sharp blade, and without that, well. We have a pretty piece of metal and not a weapon at all.”

— Julie C. Dao, Forest of a Thousand Lanterns, Share via Whatsapp

“Inteligente. For years it had been enough to be the intelligent one. All that had meant, in the beginning, was that you could answer the kinds of questions that your teachers asked. The whole world appeared to be fact-based, and that had been a relief to Greer, who could dredge up facts with great ease, a magician pulling coins from behind any available ear. Facts appeared before her, and the she simply articulated them, and in this way she became known as the smartest one in her glass.”

— Meg Wolitzer, The Female Persuasion, Share via Whatsapp

“The problem now arises of the observer and the observed. The observer says, “I am empty; I don’t like it,” and runs away from it. The observer says, “I am different from the emptiness.” But the observer is the emptiness; it is not emptiness seen by an observer. The observer is the observed. There is a tremendous revolution in thinking, in feeling, when that takes place.”

— Jiddu Krishnamurti, The Book of Life: Daily Meditations With Krishnamurti, Share via Whatsapp

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.”

— Martin Luther King Jr., Share via Whatsapp

“Knowledge is not intelligence”

— Mehnaz Ansari, Share via Whatsapp

“But l’m good at being uncomfortable So I can’t stop changing all the time.”

— Fiona Apple, Share via Whatsapp

“Human behavior makes it hard to believe in human intelligence.”

— Marty Rubin, Share via Whatsapp

“İt is not true that the more you read, the more intelligent you become. Without thinking you cannot be intelligent. You need to think in order to avoid ready-form answers, which can satisfy the inquisitive mind, but cannot give a clear insight into anything, making the brain only some kind of container of various information similar to the microchip of robot or computer. You would become a social robot whose brain contains various information but cannot think. That is why most men know a lot, but learn nothing from that knowledge. Most men know a lot, but can understand nothing on the base of that knowledge. However, it is not also true that the more you think, the more intelligent you become. Without reading you cannot be intelligent. You need to read, especially scientific literature, in order to model any problem which fascinates your mind in a proper and clear way. There cannot be vacuum in the human mind, if there is no scientific rationality there, then mystical irrationality would cover the whole space in your mind. There is no need to emphasize that being under the strong influence of mystical irrationality would confuse your mind more and more. But if scientific rationality appears, mystical irrationality disappears immediately.”

— Elmar Hussein, Share via Whatsapp

“The only unseemly thing is to not channel your intelligence usefully.”

— Brandon Sanderson, The Way of Kings (3 of 5), Share via Whatsapp

“The DQN AI system of Google DeepMind can accomplish a slightly broader range of goals: it can play dozens of different vintage Atari computer games at human level or better. In contrast, human intelligence is thus far uniquely broad, able to master a dazzling panoply of skills. A healthy child given enough training time can get fairly good not only at any game, but also at any language, sport or vocation. Comparing the intelligence of humans and machines today, we humans win hands-down on breadth, while machines outperform us in a small but growing number of narrow domains, as illustrated in figure 2.1. The holy grail AI research is to build “general AI” (better known as artificial general intelligence, AGI) that is maximally broad: able to accomplish virtually any goal, including learning.”

— Max Tegmark, Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, Share via Whatsapp

“Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom.”

— Lao-Tzu, Share via Whatsapp

“Conscience is much larger than plain, cold intelligence. Without the warmth of humanhood, intelligence brings more separation and loneliness in the society, than does religious fundamentalism.”

— Abhijit Naskar, Conscience over Nonsense, Share via Whatsapp

“The two I s of intelligence are Insight and Imagination. Education offers no guarantee of either.”

— Rian Nejar, Share via Whatsapp

“Beliefs are a consequence of what has been instituted. Knowing is a result of what has been experienced. Adopt what s real and moderate what feels.”

— T.F. Hodge, Share via Whatsapp