“When we do things with love, we gain the knowledge and wisdom and do it better.”
“Love selflessly, give generously; everything and everyone will be yours.”
“Love and attraction is the magnetic language of the heart.”
“It is easy to love but difficult to forget, so love every moment to create an enormous unforgettable memory.”
“You are my love, you are my light, you are my blue sky, when I am vanishing in you only then I can fly.”
“To love yourself, love others.”
“Unconditional love is most beautiful in any culture, in any society.”
“Love costs nothing except a moment of beautiful thought.”
“At the time of my deepest love I realized that I am the Universe.”
“When I listen and enjoy the deepest silence I hear the sound of universal love and lose myself completely.”
“The more you love, the more you give, the more you get.”
“What you give with love stays with you for a lifetime.”
“Love is waiting for you, lifting her hand, open your heart and accept it.”
“Let me love and feel the joy of life.”
“Fall in love again and again. In life, love is the currency, spend it as much you can for an enormous gain.”
“A very beautiful day without love, kindness, and gratitude is a very wasted day.”
“Nonjudgmental love never hurt you. Judgmental love always does.”